Personal Sections

I chose Channels for the integration of different sources so I appreciate that. Just for my personal use case I hoped this would some something I have been trying to do for a while.

Speaking of Labels, do they allow you to set Labels in Passes yet?
That's where I would utilize them.

That's a good question. I don't think this is a feature of passes at this point.

That's a good idea, though. That would simplify automatic labeling a lot!

Also in the other thread:

That helps for "after the fact". But a lot more manual work and follow-up involved compared to just setting them in your passes to begin with.

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Can you expound on what you mean by "some something I have been trying to do for a while"

Just separate recording from imports, or go to the folder level on imports, or... ?

I'm not a fan of the Recorded TV section. It lists all the individual episodes and looks too cluttered for me. I like to have each show grouped together (similar to folders) and then sorted by date. The work-around was to view recorded TV through TV Shows, but that mixes recorded TV with my library of shows. I rarely watch anything from my library right now. I would like the same view for both, but to keep them separate.

I have not used Personal Sections yet.

I just opened it for the first time and noticed this in the smart rules:

Isn't it what you would like?

I don't think he can do what he wants.
Shows aren't recorded or imported, their episodes are.
A Show (or Series) is just a way to group the episodes as being part of the Show/Series.

You can have a mix of recorded and imported episodes for the same show.
In fact, you could have the same episode both recorded and imported.

You could view only recorded episodes, but I don't think it can be viewed in the format he wants (Like Library Shows).

Ah yes, that's right. Very good points, @chDVRuser!

Thank you for the clarification.

Back to square one. :laughing:

This is actually one of my use cases for personal sections so it can be done... with one kinda big limitation!

So I have two personal sections for TV shows: one is my personal library of shows ripped from discs that I plan to keep, the other is for shows I record that I plan to delete after watching. Like you I did not want these mixed together.

Here's the way you can do it. Set all your personal library shows to "Hidden". You don't have to do this for each episode, there is an option to mark an entire series as hidden. Now make a personal section for TV shows with a smart rule only showing shows with a visibility of hidden. I've named this "My TV". Next make a personal section for TV shows with a smart rule only showing shows with a visibility of not hidden. I've named this "DVR TV".

That's it! Shows you record will show up in one personal section grouped by series. Shows you have ripped will show up in the other.

Now for the big limitation. You can't have the same show in both places. If you've ripped the first season of "Little House on the Prairie" off a DVD you bought at a thrift store for $1.50 to your personal library and want to record the rest of the series off one of your sources, the new recordings will show up in your "My TV" personal section, not your "DVR TV" personal section. This method works for me because all my ripped shows are shows that have ended and don't have new episodes, but it's something to be aware of. An easy fix in this situation would be to keep a show you have partially ripped but are still recording episodes from in your "DVR TV" section by not marking it as hidden yet.

You could also accomplish this by adding Labels to your imported shows, and using rules based on Labels. Labels would have the advantage of allowing multiple Labels to a single show, so you can cut things up with rules in multiple ways.

You'd also be able to manually add the label to a recorded show you want to show in another personal section.

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Labels is the better idea but someone already mentioned that so I thought I'd mention this way.

Labels has another advantage over my method. If the developers ever add a new feature that accesses the hidden/not hidden tag on TV shows, it could make things more difficult for you. I was also using this method to control what movies showed up in my DVR section. But when the developers added Theater Mode (which doesn't work on movies that are hidden) I had to switch to a different system in order to use it! That's what happens when you use features in non-standard ways!

? This should work just fine.

I appreciate all the replies. The labels worked perfectly. It took me some trial and error to create the screens the way I wanted but everything is great now!

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I may not have explained it well here but I meant trailers won't show up for movies that are hidden, as you said in a previous thread: "unfortunately, yeah, if a movie is hidden, then it won't be available for trailers. That's not something we'll change as the expectation of hiding a movie is exactly that, it's hidden". By hiding all my personal library movies, and leaving only the DVR recorded movies visible, the feature wasn't very useful! So I switched to another method you suggested. Eventually I'll get around to doing the same with my tv shows as well, but it works for now at least!

ahh yes.

OK, forget everything I said about not being able to filter TV Shows by if they were imported or not. The latest pre-release server adds this.

You can now use the Imported facet in your Smart Rules for TV Shows and accomplish what you guys have been wanting to accomplish.

This will be true if a TV Show has even 1 import.

Additionally, we've added Number of Imports. So if you want, you can filter on HOW many imports there are.

There may be cases where a TV Show only has 1 import, and you don't want it showing in your filtered list of imported shows, or you need to filtered list of recorded shows and the single import throws it off. Gain more precision using the Number of Imports rule.

I still think you're right that labels is the better way to do this, but it's nice to have more options!

Just a heads up, the Smart Rules introduced last week have all been replaced as of the latest pre-release.

They were replaced with a much more useful Smart Rule that is way more functional for building stuff.

Please read the release notes and update any rules you created using last weeks new rules.