PiP episode skip

I thought I had reported this before but ran into it again today.

If I am viewing live tv and exit out into the PiP player and then go to one of the TV shows I’m watching in up next, it will attempt to open the show up in PiP and fail. I’ve also noticed it will start skipping through episode as if I am watching them instantly.

@tmm1 @eric

I think this could be solved but having an option in the pip settings on Apple TV to choose between opening in full screen (closing pip and then opening the new stream) or opening in pip.

Really like the auto pip but as many times as I explain to family members to close it before opening something new, they still don’t do it and can’t work out why the new media isn’t playing. So I end up having to disable it which isn’t ideal.


Can you take a video of this and upload it to: https://www.dropbox.com/request/MMjICRc053JJpSBPDIfQ

Also, please submit diagnostics from the app right after you take the video.

I'm trying to replicate what you describe and I'm not seeing it happen this way.

Thanks for looking into this.

Submitted a video. This is my Apple TV with HomePods but it happens on my Apple TV without and I’ve tried all different driver combinations and all have the same result.

Edit: sent a second video via iOS as I forgot to submit a diagnostics for the first video. You can see in the iOS video the guide info remains as the channel but the seek bar has the different length of all the episodes the app is cycling through.

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