So, I have the EDL Export checked in Advance, but I'm not getting the EDL file next to the recordings imported from PlayOn.
Is this supposed to happen automatically, or is it necessary to perform a Re-Detect commercials in DVR->Manage?
If they're PlayOn Cloud recordings, they already have the commercial markers inside the MP4 files (I think as chapter marks, view one with VLC player and see) that are imported. Comskip doesn't get run on them.
Thanks, is there a way to export to an EDL file?
Attempting to cut the commercials with ffmpeg.
Not sure. Good luck with cutting.
I trialed it and did one recording.
When I discovered they're variable frame rate HEVC, I dropped it.
My video editor doesn't edit VFR (variable frame rate).
Only thing I can think of is try doing a Refresh Metadata on it to see if Channels DVR gives you an EDL file.
Refresh Metadata didn't, only Re-Detect Commercials in DVR->Manage did by running comskip.
No need to do that, there's an OliveTin Action to create an EDL file based on a PlayOn recording, and it's super fast:
It'll do an entire path at a time as well:
In case you do not have Olive Tin (and don't want to install/use it), it is based on a very simple bash script which you could use directly to generate the .edl for playon recordings, see:
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