Please Help - Apple TV Crasher when Deleting Recording from Recordings section

Since tvOS 16, Channels has had a really bad crasher when deleting files from the Recordings section. We see the crashers coming in, but can not figure out why or how to reproduce it. It's haunting us and we need some help.

If anyone has experienced this crasher, please help with some information.

  1. How did you delete the recording. From the delete button on the Recordings view, or from the Modal that shows the recording.
  2. Was it the last/only recording of a TV Show group?
  3. Can you provide any extra information on what you were doing when it happened?

Thanks so much everyone. We're desperate here and want to get this crasher fixed.

I deleted them from the 'recordings' section (the left side of the menu) - sometimes they delete immediately, sometimes they pause and delete after about ten seconds, and sometimes they just kick me out of the app. It seems the older the recording, the higher the likelihood of the crash.

No, it was not the last recording. It happens with both OTA and TVE

I just cruise through my recordings and delete the ones I don't want. I can delete them from the server side without any problems.

I am running TvOS 16.1. Some of the apple tvs are running the beta and some are not. They are all 64 gig 4k boxes from 2020 and 2021. I have plenty of storage on them. Even after restarting the ATV, they exhibit the same problem. I have always run the latest channels sw on my synology 218+ with 6gigs.



I scrolled down a ton and was able to reproduce the crash. Thank you SO much for the insight!!!!!


OK, we might have gotten this fixed. Please report any crashes like this on this topic please.

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