When the container is busy fetching guide data it doesn't respond to Channels.
Unfortunately Channels DVR doesn't retry.
When the container is busy fetching guide data it doesn't respond to Channels.
Unfortunately Channels DVR doesn't retry.
Container is not busy. It is fully loaded and so is its web server.
I get that error with a force manual refresh.
Did not happen with ver 1.13
And... now it is working (successful force refresh). Guess it may still be busy, even after the container logs say it is done doing things??
For some reason, sometimes it takes more than 12 seconds to respond (to the m3u request) and Channels DVR times out.
You can check it with a stopwatch or use the browser developer tool to see the response time.
Click the url you use and start timing it, or look at the browser network inspector.
I have tried that several times now...and longest i get for the file to show up is just under 6s.
So...well under the 12secs that u say Channels waits.
And, Channels was giving that error alot sooner than 12sec..it was more like 5secs from the time i clicked the reload m3u button.
Please try the latest version 1.20
I've applied some optimizations for channel retrieval along with multiple threading for geolocation EPG scheduling
This morning daily guide update
2025/01/20 09:04:12.002839 [ERR] Failed to request m3u for Plex: Get "": context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)
Thanks. Will update.
Thanks, much faster!
[Plex container] 2025-01-20T17:27:51.168775289Z [INFO] Returning Cached Channel List for local
[Channels DVR] 2025/01/20 09:27:51.331816 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for Plex with 613 channels
[Plex container] 2025-01-20T17:29:17.856523117Z [INFO] Returning Cached Channel List for local
[Channels DVR] 2025/01/20 09:29:18.015760 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for Plex with 613 channels
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