Pluto Closed Captions

A few of the Pluto channels do have closed captions, but yeah it sucks. Here’s a list I put together of sources that have captions. Some of the Pluto channels are on these other services that have captions. Worth trying out :slight_smile:

As I recall, they work fine on the Pluto app.

Thanks for linking your list--what a great resource! Will check it out. I see that Pluto direct does have CC. But there's a world of difference between suffering thru tons of non-skippable ads and a chaotic interface vs the ability to organize and record from the fantastic Channels guide. It's a premium solution but missing one crucial element. On the other hand, Channels implementation of TVE with CC is fantastic. With the channel list shrinking, the hope is there will soon be alternatives that include standard CC support.

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I did some searching, can't find the post, but some months back a user posted here about a solution they cobbled together with some 3rd party voice recognition / AI tools that could generate closed captions on-the-fly for content that didn't have them natively available in Channels DVR. I though that was pretty cool!


Sorry I didn't follow this up in this thread, but I did manage to get Pluto with CC working through the ADBTuner route. Of course that is a fairly big project just to get CC, but since I already was using ADBTuner for other things, it turned out great for my Pluto CC problems. As far as the OSD problem I was having, it was related to an optimization issue that not everyone would encounter. The solution to that is below.

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By chance, have you ever tried it with Chrome Capture? I am curious if Puppeteer passes along caption data in a format Channels can ingest. Unfortunately I couldn’t get it to run on my server.