Pressing Record in middle of watching a show

While watching a show and decide to record it halfway through, I would expect that if l rewind back to the beginning and then press record that it will record from the start, but that doesn't seem to be what happens. It just starts recording at the live location. Dish Network has this feature and I'd love to see it added to Channels. Thanks.

Yes. From what I understand, the buffer resides on the streaming device rather than the server where the recording takes place. So there is currently not a way to pull that buffer over to the server and integrate it into a recording. I doubt this hurdle insurmountable but it has not been a priority thus far. All/most the cable type DVRs are server and player in one which makes this feature easy. You've got my vote though.

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Yep hate the way LIVETV is done ... if you pause lets say for 15 minutes to do something and come back you have to watch the whole show without interruptions ... you cannot hit record to watch later because you will lose the 15 minutes. My previous main dvr if you hit record it will record from when you first started viewing. I currently do not use Channels DVR for LiveTV prefer SageTV.

Acquired by Google. Gross. They will screw it up or kill it or some combination of both. The children who run Google have no vision, only money. The Trust Fund Babies of Tech. Booo.

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It is open source now and has great developers for a few years now.

Yeah, I noticed that. So what did the benevolent children of Google want with it? Maybe hid Google spyware in the code somewhere.

It is a great product and they wanted it to replace their own Google TV but even that could not save Google TV.

but Channels DVR is great DVR software but lacking in LiveTV and I am glad to fully support it and subscribe to it. ... I would also like to see the option of pausing LiveTV when accessing the guide... Prefer that over picture in picture.

Yeah, it's got to be frustrating to have all that money and not be able to BUY a competitive product. Ahhh, I love the smell of justice in the morning.

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Voted. :slightly_smiling_face:

Psperry. I liked your old avatar better. You look like a [clever age insult redacted]

On topic. The recording in middle of show, not recording buffer bothers me. Luckily most of the time that happens I'm able to find another airing of the show. Then just record that.

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This is my new preferred avatar. It's a selfie I took by accident on a windy day and I look like crap. It perfectly illustrates my relationship with technology and the world. It's so much better than "J" so get used to it :grin:

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I just saw a thread that might make this feature easier to implement: HLS option

If HLS enables server-side queuing, then taking the HLS queue and starting the recording with it might be the solution.

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Just to set realistic expectations: it’s unlikely that those features would be related to this. If we did roll out this feature we would ensure it worked for all situations regardless of playback settings.


Ideally, it would be great if it worked like Tivo. You're watching a show, say from 8p-9p, you get x minutes into watching and decide you want to record, so you press the record button. It then records the whole show, not just from where you happened to be watching. Yes, I'm aware of some of the limitations w/ Channels being more akin to client/server, but I'm looking at it from a dumb consumer perspective.

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