Provider - Xfinity

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Yep - Same!

Well if you do not come in first in Pac 12 you are the runner up lol.

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Thanks for the find. I'm happy that WAZZU and Oregon State got in on a deal with CW and Fox. That seems to be better than what U-Dub fans are going to have to deal with to find coverage of their Dawgs in the B1G-[18].

The schools still owe Xfinity, don't they? I would think there's no way Xfinity would pay the TVE fee.

I noticed XFINITY gives false alerts ....

script_error err=Wrong password. Please update your password and try again.

I'm having this same issue. I've connected behind a VPN to address the auto authentication issue and even changed my password. I can log into the stream app without any issues but continue to get the "Wrong password. Please update your password and try again." message.

Yeah my password is correct as I can authorize in the LiveTV pages of the Channels but not in Channels DVR keep getting script_error err=Wrong password. Please update your password and try again.

@eric @tmm1
Logs have been submitted as 16876dcb-d1d7-4159-88ea-704f4a15f414 .

Same issue here - submitted logs: 76cccbcf-65d2-475a-8af2-ce624e4f7012

@eric @tmm1
Looks good scanning now ....All Fixed now thanks.


Possible fix for Xfinity login issues


Seems to be fixed!

still broken for me. tried to remove source and readd.

Submit your logs your problem is different. Then the fix.

sure which logs?

edit - sorry never done this before. logs submitted f6e2a0d9-544e-489f-929f-a89a224ad676

Why don't you try removing TVE restart the DVR Server ... then try adding TVE again. Also make sure you are on the latest Prerelease.

I'm seeing Xfinity ask you to reselect your account recovery Q&A's again.
If you're using a secondary viewer only acct without recovery cell phone and non-Xfinity email, you may see this.

To check, either login to a network live website, or your Channels DVR Xfinity secondary viewer only account name at Xfinity.

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That reminds me of when I did this a while back I chose Security question.

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Yep, same here. Failed a recording because of it.
Fortunately we both have HDHR Primes as backups.

This finally worked thanks.

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Xfinity is broken for me. Was getting an error that asked to set cookie preferences. Updated from stable to pre-release and now getting just the auth screen (attached). I validated that I can login succesfully using viewer-only account to HGTV with same user/pass.