Provider - Xfinity

Xfinity has a streaming TV service? I didn't realize that. Is it cheaper than their cable TV service?

You could try going here and click on the "Start Streaming" button to see what options they have:

Genuinely confused here. I searched that site and others, and I see that Internet only customers get something called Flex? Does that mean Internet only customers get TVE via Flex? I could not find a streaming only TV service on Xfinity's site. Can you point me to what you were referring to? Thanks!

Flex is their streaming Service (Netflix , Prime Video HULU .. On Demand etc...). if you have Internet only then you will not Get the XFINITY Stream Service. In order to get TVE you need to subscribe to Cable Channels.

XFINITY Stream Service is different than Flex .. Stream Service allows you to watch subscribed channels on tablets ,phones on the go etc...

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I have one hidden channel in my Xfinitry TVE...see do I find out what it is and re-add it? Also, I cannot get MLB, NBA or NFL channels to work...I also have another channel that is not showing in the list at all...that is Discovery Family...all of these channels work on the Xfinity stream app. Can someone assist?

145 channels (67 favs, 145 HD, 1 hidden)

It can be a restricted user.

something working on the xfinity stream app doesn't mean that it will work in Channels. It's a different authorization process.

That said, it appears the sports one should be able to work, i don't have those subscriptions, so I can't help much more than say I get a 'not subscribed' message, which I would expect.

I also don't see Discovery Family as available. I've tried to log into the Discovery Family website to check my subscription there, but it appears that they don't participate in TVE, which means Channels won't be able to access it.

Thanks for the response....I can live without Discovery Family, but I would like to get MLB, NFL, and NBA working if possible.I have listed the errors for each below...also, I have tried using another user for Xfinity as noted above, but still no luck. I even completely removed and re-added the Xfinity TVE...still the same.

MLB=not in subscription...but it works on the stream app and on the Xfinity DVR box as well as do the other two.
NBA=chrome auth_timed_out

For the chrome auth_timed_out i ended up emailing support and got that taken care of. Sounds like it might have to happen for the other two as well.

Understandable that you'd want to see them if you have the subscription. I had a couple of the chrome auth ones a while ago, but they ended up resolving themselves when I rescanned. I think you also need to have chrome installed on your DVR as well.

Keno, Thanks for the response again....I do have Chrome installed on my DVR is this PC that I am on now...Windows 10. What is the support email address?

Thanks again

My guess is that MLB, NBA and NFL don't support live streams using Xfinity as a provider.
I have all three in my Xfinity TV package, but they don't work in Channels TVE.

Xfinity (TVE-Comcast_SSO)
150 channels (3 favs, 150 HD, 0 hidden)

6192 NFL notAuthorized
6193 MLBTV not in subscription
6194 NBATV "no login form found"

I've an issue here with logging into TV Everywhere. Everything's been working relatively issue free for a long time, though the past couple days I haven't been able to tune into CNN. An error message regarding the tuner would pop up. I'd finally attempted a rescan at the server to no avail. I now regret deleting the TVE source, after having read deleting it entirely and rescanning could help.

Attempting to log back in brings up "TypeError: Cannot read property 'click' of null at xfinityApprove (tveinterhelper.js:16:9) at tveinterhelper.js:45:5" and "Update your phone number" ?, so I'm currently unable to log in at all.

I'm able to login to the Xfinity site and stream without issue, including CNN.

FWIW, I'd also updated to 2020.07.01.0020

Can someone provide some help?

Please click Support > Submit Diagnostics at the top right and email us.

Submitted. Thank you!

Fixed in next build. Please wait 15 minutes, then update and try again.

Back up and running, including all my channels. Thanks a ton!
Man, I was worried there awhile. :grin:

Is anyone else having issues with ESPN? I was having the playback error message and then rescanned the Xfinity channels and now all of the ESPN ones are gone. I have 135 channels with Xfinity now.

I just tried ESPN and played all of them just fine. Rescanning worked, too.