Prune Deleted

Is there a way to automate pruning? I delete episodes and shows and want it to scan my local imported media.

Perhaps an API call?


A few ways people have automated pruning i found on forums. There is a reason you should not do this. If hard drive gets disconnected it would then prune everything. This is a higher rosk if your recording to a location other then where Channels is hosted. Example USB drive or network drive.

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curl -XPUT

One thing automating prune deleted bit me in the butt ... my usb drive extra storage failed to connect and prune deleted ran automatically and deleted all recordings from the DB... So I had to copy them over to an import directory and re-import.

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Not sure why you added mine since the failed cleanup on Unraid has nothing to do with pruning. I simply use a script to cleanup the left behind empty folders that are not getting deleted properly in the streaming folder when the stream is terminated.

Ill remove. I had just did quick forum search and copy/paste. I must notbofvread in entirety.

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