Record HD only

I would like to have the ability to record shows only if they are in HD. Can we add this feature?

Record by channel would fix this and a few other issues.

Let’s say for example I wanted to record “Friends”. It has reruns on a few channels but I’d like to only record on TBS-HD since they air in different orders on different stations. That would allow me to start recording in a given spot in the series rather than getting a few recording from different seasons all at once

Yes but I have shows that are on several hd channels & 1 sd channel so the channel solution would not work

Yes it would, record by channel doesn’t necessarily mean a single channel… Let’s say the show come on three channels, the selection should allow you to select one, two, or all three.

I have tried that & it doesn’t work

Not right now, hence suggesting it as a feature…

@tmm1 any chance this could be added?

@tmm1: Possibly you could add “Channel Name” to the advanced options on Passes. Then one could add “Contains” HD. Would also apply to HD Channels Don't Show as "HD" (Legacy Tuners).