Recording Stuff Not Scheduled!

My Channels app has gone nuts. It's recording all kinds of things I haven't set it to record. It will not stop recording one channel at all. I updated the app, still happening.

I've stopped and restarted the server several times. I rebooted my Shield and my Windows desktop computer. Still happening.

EDIT: I stopped/deleted all the recordings, about 20 of them, and it appears to have stopped, at least for now.

EDIT: Also, my "Main" channels Collection, which should have about 30 channels, now appears to contain all my channels.

EDIT: I deleted all the extra channels from that Collection. Everything appears to be working fine now. Hopefully a one-time glitch.

This is happening again, the last two nights. Both times all the programs were in my trash, none were in my TV Shows or Movie sections. But they did record because when I deleted them all from trash there was 60 gigs of space restored to my recording hard drive.

Am I posting this in the right place? Should I send a log? Thanks.

Please go to Support -> Troubleshooting -> Submit Diagnostic Logs from the web interface of the DVR and let us know when it's been submitted so we can have a better idea of what was going on.

Ok. I'm going to try a couple of things first and see what happens tonight and if it still occurs again I will submit the log. Thanks much!

Started doing it at around 8:00 a.m. EST this morning. Submitted log as instructed. Thanks.

Time stamp on the files of the tv shows on the hard drive shows they started recording at 7:47 a.m. I exited the server and the app for now since it's recording over 30 shows. Sheesh.

EDIT - I checked my Passes and one I had for Scripps News said it had 96 recordings scheduled, which couldn't be right. I deleted it. Maybe that was the problem?

Should be easy toook at the scheduled recordings and see what is in the queue. Then go look at your passes to see what is causing it (probably the one you mentioned). Change your options and then rinse/repeat.

I wrote a script for myself that provides this feature.
I just type the name of a program that is either in the schedule or in the library and it will return the name of the pass that triggered it.
If I clean it up a little, I can share it with the community.

I also have a plan to create a GUI frontend for it. Work not started yet.

@hcour this may be helpful:

Hopefully the OP will share logs so users can help. However, because of the reason of the post, I doubt the OP will be able to personally use your script to much advantage.

No crazy recordings this morning. Yay! I'm sure that advanced pass with the 96 recordings was the problem. Lesson learned - be careful setting up advanced passes!

Thanks for the comments. mjitkop I'll keep your script in mind in future.

Will mark this "Solved".

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Easy thing to do is when you create a pass click the tab that shows the matches. Then you can verify what you are about to get into :blush:

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