Redetect commercials

I wanted to see if I re-detected commercials if I would get better results than the first detection. Well now comskip is not detecting any commercials in the file. It states in my log that it ran but no blocks detected when I go to edit. Anyone else experiencing this?

I have noticed this on shows that have the generic "Commercial Break. Please be patient." message. It always misses the break. Otherwise, it almost always picks up the regular commercial breaks.

The problem is it detected commercials after it recorded. Decided to have the file run again and now no commercials detected. Should have at least done as well as it did the first time. Now I will have to manually fast forward on the show I tried this on.

There should be no difference in commercial detection, no matter how many times you run comskip.
By default (unless you changed something) Channels DVR runs comskip on the recorded file after it's done recording. You can create a custom override comskip.ini, but still it runs on the same recorded file.

If comskip doesn't work when rerun, then something changed in the recorded file or the comskip.ini that Channels DVR is using.

You can view comskip's log in the video.log file for your recording in Logs\comskip\1234, where 1234 is your recordings fileID.

I’ve not had the commercial skip feature active for quite some time. Is there a way to enable it now and scan all of my recorded content from the last year?

also Re run com skip?