Reelz TVE giving “context canceled” error

I started getting a “Context Canceled” error in TVE for Reelz using my spectrum credentials. I can log into just fine with those same credentials however. Is there an issue with the TVE implementation for Channels DVR?

Please follow these instructions:

I just finished watching Reelz on Channels with latest pre-release and updated Chrome.

I don’t have that option. I’m just seeing the bugs now concerning TVE with the latest WD PR4100 firmware; but I have none of the options mentioned in that thread.

Do you see this green button on your Troubleshooting page?

I do not. It is green. However, after deleting the TVE source and reconfiguring it while doing a click-and-hold as described in an earlier thread, that seems to have done the trick! Should I have that as red? I’m on the latest firmware for the PR4100.

If it’s working there is nothing more you need to do.

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Thank you!!