[RELEASE] Stream Link/File Manager for Channels [Streaming Library Manager Extension]

Happens all the time. Devs add deep links to phone apps but forget on the tv apps.

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Oh wow. I'm pondering just sideloading the phone app but it may not worth it in the end. I'll just have to make an additional bookmark inside the app, I guess for stuff like that

Either that...or just use the prime channel

If the app opens then they do have some linking entries in the manifest. Maybe it uses a different style

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I am getting this error now when I click on movie streamlink that is in Amazon Prime. Channels running on FireTV.

"Problem occurred: Error code:7105 We're unable to start a video due to a service issue. Try searching the title again and then start watching from the title's detail page."

Sounds like an Amazon problem:


I had a show that I recorded the first two seasons of shows. The remaining shows were not scheduled to recorded so I created a stream link and Stream Link Manager created links to all shows. Later I noticed that the recordings had disappeared. I accepted this at the time. Now the first two seasons are no longer available on any of my streaming sources and we have not finished watching them. It's a minor glitch for us.

Is there a possibility that SLM deleted the recordings?

If yes, is there a way to avoid this happening in the future?

Thank you

There is no chance SLM has anything to do with this directly. SLM only interacts with files in the Imports directory, not the TV or Movies directories where recordings are stored. And even in that case, SLM creates its own self-named subdirectory under Imports and only works in there, not anywhere else.

Something else must have happened, maybe even in your pass settings. Perhaps you have something like keep only xxx number set and when you imported it triggered this condition and deleted them?

Thank you,

The pass that I used to record them was also missing. I'm scratching my head.


The first two seasons of Brooklyn Nine-Nine left Netflix and is not on any of my streaming sources yet the stream links remain for the shows we have not watched. I expected they would go away automatically. Is there something I have to set to make this happen? I have prune enabled and see it in the log.

Thank you

Has your Stream Links/Files: End-to-End Process process run since JustWatch updated their data? If not, then there you go. See the the FAQ/Troubleshooting, too, because a version of this question is in there (except in reverse).

Yes, it should have run 3 times. Is there a lot I can check to give us a hint?

Yes, not to be dismissive, but you are talking about features that have worked since the prototype, so there's another factor on your end.

  • Check the show in Modify Programs and see if Stream Links are assigned
  • Check to see if there are physical .strmlink files in the \Imports\TV\slm\ directory
  • Check to see if the program is in the Web interface and if the issues is just the clients not refreshing

That's a starting point. Next level is looking through the logs to see if you are getting error messages, like SLM is unable to delete files because of security settings on your system. Or, conversely, if you have some type of Cloud or other file sync'ing going on and it is restoring files at the same time they are being removed.

Thank you,

My directory layout was different that the one you use and I've now matched yours and moved files and directories as appropriate. I also changed the directory in both SLM and Channels and started a file scan in channels. I'm going to leave SLM to run it's processes early morning to verify it corrects the problem.

I continue to see the stream files for the first two seasons of Brooklyn Nine-Nine pointing to Netflix yet those seasons have been removed from Netflix. I think everything ran correctly. I'm wondering if the issue is the source you use thinks they are still there. What source do you use and how do I see it? If it's wrong, I'll report the issue to them.

Answer in the Troubleshooting / FAQ

Thank you,

I looked at the document for the answer. Did not spot the trouble shooting guide. I will bookmark it.

The issue is them and I will report the change of seasons on Netflix.

It is a great resource and wee will be using it to find shows to watch.

Thanks again,


After a reboot of my Mac, the docker container running slm will not restart. This had been working. I am using a directory outside of the library container for the slm files and I have it setup to perform backups if that is relevant. The python errors from the container log are these repeated over and over again.

Created: /app/channels_folder/Imports/TV/slm/White Collar (2009)/Season 04/S04E08.strmlnk
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/slm.py", line 5278, in create_backup
    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dst_dir, old_backup))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/shutil.py", line 759, in rmtree
    _rmtree_safe_fd(stack, onexc)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/shutil.py", line 703, in _rmtree_safe_fd
    onexc(func, path, err)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/shutil.py", line 686, in _rmtree_safe_fd
    with os.scandir(topfd) as scandir_it:
NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/app/program_files/backups/.DS_Store'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/app/slm.py", line 10342, in <module>
  File "/app/slm.py", line 5281, in create_backup
    shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(dst_dir, old_backup))
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/shutil.py", line 759, in rmtree
    _rmtree_safe_fd(stack, onexc)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/shutil.py", line 703, in _rmtree_safe_fd
    onexc(func, path, err)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/shutil.py", line 686, in _rmtree_safe_fd
    with os.scandir(topfd) as scandir_it:

Thanks for the great product!


By the way. In case there is any confusion, the last line of my post was not meant to be sarcastic. It truly is a great product! Thanks.

You have a file in your backups directory (/program_files/backups) called .DS_store and this is not allowed; only folders with timestamp names can be in there. I'm guessing from your description that you have some external backup program running, and that program appears to be putting files where they don't belong. Disable that feature and delete that file and it should start up just fine.

In the next release, I'll have a fix so that the backup process ignores files and only looks at folders. Tested it out after I was able to replicate your issue and it works!

It’s a Mac thing: