[RELEASE] Stream Link/File Manager for Channels [Streaming Library Manager Extension]

Your question is answered on the repo:

This is also covered in your Version History in the About section:

Basically, if it requires a connection to Channels to do the task, that is the integration. Things like importing updates from Channels, running prune/scan in Channels, etc.... There's also some things coming down the pike that will also require this if users want to use them.


So............. I was experimenting with performance enhancements by using parallel processing to do multiple pulls against JustWatch at once. Well, long story short, JustWatch decided I was a DOS attack and banned my IP address! :upside_down_face:

Actually, this happened 3 times while testing to see if anything was going to be possible (had to keep getting new IP addresses), but at the end of the day it looks like we'll have to stick to serial requests against JustWatch and just deal with it. However, I do have something coming soon that should help in certain situations...

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is there any way to grab the "gracenote" id from the search function that will export the callsign id (instead of just the numerical gracenote id)?

That'll happen. Better safe than sorry. I doubt they have enough horsepower to handle that hammering of their API...

Well, "callSign" is basically what is being searched on, so I didn't see the value of making it one of the visible fields in the results and take up that real estate. It certainly is possible, but I felt the other fields already there were much more valuable for identification purposes. Unless I'm missing something?

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In the latest version of Media Tools Manager (a Streaming Library Manager extension), you can now run a process called Stream Links: New & Recent Releases. This automation will check for new episodes and get release dates on those episodes (as well as movies). Based upon your entered criteria for what "recent" means, Stream Link Manager will only search for those programs. This can be set to run as often as hourly. Check out the details in the latest release notes:


Understood. Your search is much cleaner than the built in one on channel mapping on Channels. For example, I was searching for a channel in UK today and found it with your search but not within channels (probably user error) but couldn’t find the callsign to put into Channels. I also use that callsign to backup my list (I don’t use playlist manager yet- still feeding channels with Threadfin).

No big deal if it can’t be added in there somewhere. Appreciate the software- I’m sure this was a ton of work!!

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Dude, I just found this and you are awesome! Thank you so much for the excellent documentation!

Okay, you can now see the "Call Sign" while using Gracenote Search in the latest version. Read about it here:

It's been a while since we've had a SLM focused update, but this one is definitely it!

Most notably, you can now add "Videos" as a category for Stream Links/Files, just the same as Movies and TV Shows. This one took a ridiculous amount of retrofitting to make it work without destroying existing functionality! Was it worth it for something probably not highly utilized? The completionist in me says yes, yes it was :upside_down_face:

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Finally getting around to give his a try!

Any chance SLM can import all my existing passes from Channels so I don't need to manually setup all the shows?

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@babsonnexus So this doesn't appear to be working for me (or at least not how I thought it would)

Here's my use case (please tell me if I am doing this wrong)

  • Add new show via search and click "bookmark"
  • Uncheck the Watched/Unwatched for All Episodes and click Save
  • Set New & Recent to 72 hours (default) and to run every 3 hours

Process runs, however NO shows are added to Channels. It appears that clicking the Watched/Unwatched for All Episodes is stopping the New & Recent from processing new episodes?

Unfortunately, Channels and SLM use a totally different identification method, so it would not be possible without a map of everything. There are some new tools out there that can assist with this, but I've only done some very high level review and would not be prepared to implement anything like this in the near future. As for right now, it's certainly possible for me to pull the names of shows from Channels, but even if I did that, you'd still have to search and bookmark them individually. The time-save from copy and paste or typing isn't worth the code. However, please take advantage of MTM CSV Explorer. You can use this to get the names of all your shows and movies from Channels and filter them down to only what you might care about:

You are not using the correct process. Stream Links: New & Recent Releases is only for episodes or movies that have an original release date within XX number of hours. This is not when you've added them to SLM nor when they've been added/updated on JustWatch, but the equivalent of "first airing". The process you want to run is the Stream Links/Files: End-to-End Process, which checks every movie and episode and can be run up to every 8 hours.

You can also generate your stream links at the exact time of creation instead of clicking Done. This will do all the backend stuff save for running the scan in Channels. Then you could Run Updates in Channels...


... or just wait for automation, either from MTM or Channels itself when it naturally scans for new media on whatever schedule you have set up in there.

The show was added to Hulu/Disney+ last night (aired the night before), so if I set the threshold to 72 hours, it should show up, right?

"added to" ≠ "original release date"

"show's original release date" ≠ "individual episode's original release date"

"knowing original release date" ≠ "JustWatch having original release date"

And if the latter is true:

My recommendation is to use both End-to-End and New & Recent in combination with each other, not in place of one or the other. For instance, I have End-to-End set to run at one point overnight (takes about 6 hours for me) while I have New & Recent run during the day at non-overlap times (takes about 15 minutes for me). So you might want a slightly different combination to cover all bases. Maybe run End-to-End every 8 hours and then run New and Recent also every 8 hours, but 4 hours removed from End-to-End. This would give you something that runs every 4 hours and will catch every possible scenario.

Yes you are correct with using End-to-End. Forgot to put that step in my example as I did run that.

I think the issue I'm running into is when I toggle the Watched/unwatched for All Episodes (at the top) it is marking all past and future episodes as watched (even ones that have not aired yet). My assumption was that the Recent Release feature would untoggle the recent episodes so they could be processed but it is looking like that is not the case.

That is not a correct assumption. "Watched/Unwatched" status is its own standalone function. If it already exists on the list for future airings, then you can set that status even beforehand and that is saved. If the episode is not on the list and gets added at some later point, it comes in as "Unwatched".

Does streamlink automatically load all of the content from a specific provider?


ok thanks