[RELEASE] Stream Link Manager for Channels

Yes, thanks for this, I'll remind myself to scan it and pay more attention when interfacing with SLM in the future. Perhaps those "removals" could be bolded to stand out more than the other lines in the log? Or maybe a “filter” function would be useful here? Mine's just a long list to parse every time, it's not very intuitive.

Also I know shows we manually remove from CDVR get marked as "watched" in SLM and they don't return unless we override that. But how do shows that are removed from services get marked? The same?

Because now I'm thinking about the impact of using SLM in the years ahead, for those with very large libraries (or just "queues of shows they intend to watch") and for the benefit of future users or family members who may not interface with SLM regularly.

Let's say we add a show or movie we intend to watch. It may sit in our CDVR library for months or a year before we actually get into it. The let's say, during that time it gets removed from its streaming service, and it's not available on others we're subscribed to, and nobody checked SLM notifications about it, it would be removed from our CDVR UI and it would just fall "out of sight, and out of mind." As if it was never there to begin with.

Perhaps this is a good back-burner request too, but what I was thinking would be excellent for SLM is a section that shows us a list of content from our bookmarks that is "Currently Unavailable." That way we can explore it easily at least, at any time through the months of aggregative content, and decide if we want to subscribe to a new service to stream that particular content now, or to purchase the title outright from a digital storefront, in order to get it back in our CDVR libraries.

So - I'm very new user of Channels DVR (VERY NEW!) and struggle a good bit but this certainly interests me. I'm using a Synology DS220+ with Channels DVR installed with no Docker or any other addons. I do NOT understand Python or others,

Is there any 'easy/simple' install that I might understand?

Should I mess this up is there a very straight forward way to remove it with out destroying my entire install?


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I was about to tell you that I had a bunch of things like this happen over the past few days, but they came back in a day or two, so I generally wouldn't bother going the manual route unless it is something that doesn't seem like it is easily fixable on their end... except I just checked on JustWatch and they haven't fixed those season 2 episode for your show! So nevermind me, then. :crazy_face:

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Oh my gosh, 3.5 years of pain have vanished now, you didn't miss anything! :stuck_out_tongue:

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Short answer: Don't worry about it, SLM handles things perfectly without you having to think about it. That's the point!

Medium answer: Watch status and generated stream link values are completely decoupled. Watch status only gets changed if you modify it or delete it from Channels. If a Stream Link cannot be generated for something that has been generated before, the .strmlnk file is deleted, but its watch status remains the same. When it becomes available again on one of your services, it will just create the file again and it will reappear, like magic (except through layers and layers of technological coding)!

I'm going to hate myself for admitting this, but I can already do this right now (and have been for months) with an Access database I set up and a simple query:

If I can do it in there, I can certainly do it in SLM. ::sigh:: I'll, put in the enhancement request...

I'll also expand the scope a bit to "Create an area for Queries/Reports" for more things like this, so you might as well come up with more stuff like this!

They are already indented just for that reason. Since, technically speaking, Notifications are just a subset of the Logs, including the spacer lines, I don't believe filtering would work out very well. You would also lose the context of the "when" since that only comes up before an add/removal. I can't see wanting to mess with this anytime in the near or distant future, but you are free to put in the request.

:question: Why are you getting so many notifications? Like, this is mine from this morning:

2024-09-29 06:00:00.140735:  End-to-end update process complete

2024-09-29 06:00:00.139737:  Total Elapsed Time: 4 hours | 44 minutes | 59 seconds
2024-09-29 05:59:58.138624:  Prune, Scan, and Reprocess underway. Check Channels for status.

2024-09-29 05:59:58.137623:  Finished Reprocess requests
2024-09-29 05:59:54.223351:  Beginning Reprocess requests...
2024-09-29 05:59:54.223351:  Scan requested.
2024-09-29 05:59:53.143552:  Beginning scan request...
2024-09-29 05:59:53.142550:  Prune requested.
2024-09-29 05:59:45.706422:  Beginning Prune request...
2024-09-29 01:34:25.807988:  WARNING: No episodes found for Lost Animals of the 20th Century (0) | SHOW.

2024-09-29 01:33:04.921559:  WARNING: No episodes found for Home of the Year (2013) | SHOW.

      For Halloween Wars (2011), added S14E07
      For Halloween Wars (2011), added S14E06
      For Halloween Wars (2011), added S14E05
      For Halloween Wars (2011), added S14E04
      For Halloween Wars (2011), added S14E03
      For Halloween Wars (2011), added S14E02
      For Halloween Wars (2011), added S14E01
      For Halloween Baking Championship (2015), added S10E06
      For Halloween Baking Championship (2015), added S10E05
      For Halloween Baking Championship (2015), added S10E04
      For Halloween Baking Championship (2015), added S10E03
      For Halloween Baking Championship (2015), added S10E02
      For Halloween Baking Championship (2015), added S10E01
2024-09-29 01:30:30.424696:  WARNING: No episodes found for Extreme Vacation Homes (2014) | SHOW.

2024-09-29 01:29:00.337752:  WARNING: No episodes found for Cool Spaces: The Best New Architecture (2014) | SHOW.

2024-09-29 01:26:54.059908:  WARNING: No episodes found for Australia's Wild Places (2013) | SHOW.

2024-09-29 01:15:00.261825:  Beginning end-to-end update process...

That's actually a lot for me and I have about 1,650 things bookmarked to the tune of 41,000 movies and episodes.

While you can certainly try the Linux Install path (it's just download a file and run it; doesn't get any easier/simpler than that), during testing Synology was found to be... uncooperative on that route.

Honestly, you should install Docker Desktop and then make your first container be OliveTin/Project One-Click. From there, everything else will fall into line. Installing Docker Desktop is not very difficult and there is a lot of help and documentation out there already. I'm going to direct you to this thread:

If you have further questions about how to deal with your specific Docker installation, I would ask on Docker's forum, not here. I know plenty of users who have successfully done this, including @mgantt87. Maybe reach out to them privately?

No matter the route, SLM is not a danger to your entire install in any way and removal is about as straightforward as deleting it and anything it creates.

Another heads up, the Smart Rules introduced last week have all been replaced as of the latest pre-release.

They were replaced with a much more useful Smart Rule that is way more functional for building stuff.

Please read the release notes and update any rules you created using last weeks new rules.

v2024.10.01.1633 has been released as stable. There's a lot to this one!

High level details shown below, even more when youimageexpand!

MODIFIED: When searching or looking at 'New & Updated' in 'Add Programs', can now filter by movies or shows

You can now filter for Movies and Shows in any search situation:


Note that resorting alphabetically runs independent of filtering for Movies and Shows, so you can do both in any order you like!

MODIFIED: Search results in 'Add Programs' now shows Streaming Services that the program is available on

You can now see icons for the services that a program is available on when you search:

Further, when you pick New & Updated on your services, it will tell you which service it has been added to:

* MODIFIED: 'New & Updated' in 'Add Programs' now shows the Streaming Service it is new/updated on

New & Updated


This functionality has also been expanded to Modify Programs:

* ADDED: In 'Modify Programs', can now check availability on Streaming Services


ADDED: In 'Modify Programs', can now propagate changes for 'Watched/Unwatched' status and 'Special Action' down to all episodes from the 'All' or 'Season' level

Now Add Programs and Modify Programs have the same functionality:


ADDED: In 'Add Programs' and 'Modify Programs', can now enter a prefix value at the 'All' and 'Season' level that propagates down to the bottom episodes

This works the same as the others, except that whatever is typed at the highest level is what starts being pushed downward:

Whatever is last typed (or removed) is the winner!

NEW: 'Reports & Queries' area added

In order to accomplish this, a new section and a whole bunch of functionality has been added:

* ADDED: 'pandas' and 'pandasql` added as a requirement for 'Reports / Queries'
* NEW: 'Report / Query' added for 'Currently Unavailable' and 'Previously Watched'

Reports & Queries look like this:

Additional reports/queries can now be more easily added in the future, if requested. In support of this, a lot of new capabilities were added both here and to the Files area:

* FIXED: Last row in table views now have borders
* NEW: 'Files' and 'Reports & Queries' have the ability to filter, search, and have a number of records to show at a time

To support this, a new section has been added to the Github repo:

All of this new functionality required adding some more advanced components. This, in turn, made SLM incompatible with some older 32-bit systems:

* DEPRECATED: Support for 'linux/arm/v7' platform; SLM dependencies can no longer support this

It also expanded the physical size of SLM greatly (about 7x). As such, I can no longer host certain files on Github and had to move them. If you are using the Windows or Linux installation, please read the below item very carefully and do as instructed, otherwise you won't be able to upgrade:

* MODIFIED: `slm.bat' and 'slm.sh' updated for new download locations of program files. NOTICE: If using one of these, must download a new version from the repo in order to upgrade!

Bravo :clap: to another fabulous update. An absolute home run, knocking it out of the park. Wow! Thank you @babsonnexus!


I agree. You have done such a wonderful job, @babsonnexus. The product itself, the documentation, the YouTube videos... Everything is so neat and polished. :star_struck:

Generally speaking, I thought I was pretty decent with writing documentation but now I must say that I'm feeling very small next to you. :joy:

Very well done! :+1: :clap:

I agree with everyone above! I haven't felt need to mess with stream links until this product that makes it so easy.

I have one small suggestion for the next time you're updating the modify programs page. On shows with many episodes, it sometimes requires much unnecessary scrolling to the bottom to access the finish / cancel and save buttons. It would be nice to have access to the save and finish/ cancel buttons at the top of the page as well.


How about a floating frame for that stuff, both in Modify Programs and Add Programs? This way, it will always just be there at the bottom of the screen no matter where you happen to be.

I don't know why I just offered something I have no idea how to do, but I'm sure it's fine!

I thought about requesting something like that, but I was trying to give you an easy way out!

Request added:


How do I update the version v2024.09.18.1513 to the newly update version?

Would anyone be able to help me? My timezone is correct on the container, but it seems to be off several hours. Right now it is showing as tomorrow morning at 12:14 am. Time and timezone are both correct on the host machine.

As in, you set it correctly but it is off in the container? Please show us your setup for the Container and the timezone Environmental Variable, otherwise we'll have no idea what you set and why it might be wrong.

Host machine makes no difference; the Container is its own world.

Environment Variable is correct. I am in Chicago, variable is set to Chicago

No, it is not: