[RELEASE] Stream Link Manager for Channels

Ah, bummer. Yes, in that case, it does change my vote, over to IMDB. The delta between RT’s Tomatometer and Popcornmeter scores can be wildly inconsistent.

One tip I’d like to share. Both Fandango at Home as well as Movies Anywhere have a feature on their sites that analyze your purchased library and groups titles into sensible and often creative lists. They’re gathered by franchise, obviously, but also themes like “Rivalries,” “Inspiring Movies,” “Nostalgia,” etc. Fandango even had a “High on Watch List” to celebrate 4/20!

So now that all of these titles are incorporated into my Channels library too, thanks to SLM of course, I recreated those same lists, as Collections. It’s great having more ways to bounce around and browse what to watch this way, all in one central app. Content aggregation FTW :raised_hands:

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I think I understand. Would you want an "Available on..." when the search results show up, and it says what services are hosting it? If that's the case, it is possible, but will definitely be a lot of real estate! I'd have to consider that one carefully.

SLM doesn't know what service it is going to pull until it generates a Stream Link, and it will always do that by service priority order. If you know a program is on Netflix and Paramount+, and you want to watch on Paramount+, Paramount+ has to be higher priority than Netflix. Override priority by program would be a pretty massive undertaking, probably not one I'd be interesting in implementing. The Stream Link Override functionality was made available, in part, for use cases like this.

Just from a philosophical perspective, for me, the core value of SLM is that it is service agnostic and you no longer have to care about which streaming service is hosting that content, or if that content moves around or is available in multiple areas. You just need to put in what you have access to and the priority order for how you like those apps, and the software will take care of the rest.

You can always validate where a Stream Link is generated within Modify Programs without having to go into Channels:

But as I said above, it will always pick the higher priority service, every single time, no question. As you yourself noted above, the priority of Streaming Services matters a lot!

I really appreciate the flexibility you've worked into SLM and I've been thinking about how to express this for a few days now. The benefits of how it follows our prioritized subscribed streaming services and keeps the Stream Links always updated is a killer feature. However, it kind of interferes a bit with the other use of Stream Links, which is my primary use case thus far, that is, linking my library of purchased content. In my example, I want these titles always launching in the store I bought them or the store where I redeemed a code. Personally I don't care if a purchased title also happens to be on Max this month, I want to link to my purchased version, with all the extras, opening in AppleTV+, all the time. And other titles that are only on Fandango, I want launching Fandango, I don't want Disney+ titles opening in AppleTV+ where it prompts me with a purchase price. I know what service I want to watch with these particular titles, always, and I don't want that to change if I reprioritize or change services.

I will obviously use SLM to integrate more content from streaming services I subscribe to though, and it's great that these will all be managed via the slick utility that is Stream Link Manager.

Personally I have worked around this issue by using "Stream Link Override" for every purchased title I've entered so far. This was relatively clunky to handle via the web UI so I did my own manual override again, by editing the .CSV file after I was done and importing it.

Future additions that are on streaming subscription services, I'll just use SML normally and allow it to update Stream Links nightly. But with future purchases I'll remember to do the "manual override."

My point being, I think SLM can handle this a bit better, differentiating between "content we've purchased" and "content we want to stream while it's available on a service we happen to be subscribed to." Maybe a checkbox to indicate "Purchased" so it just parks the found URL, making it operate the same as using " "Stream Link Override?" Copy-pasting it manually each time with a big library wasn't very intuitive. I'm just thinking... is there a better way?

Just thinking out loud, glad to keep testing anything you're developing on this front, and hope this feedback is helpful for you or anyone reading along!

So if I can put these two proposals together and offer this:

What if, when adding or modifying a program, there is a dropdown box. That dropdown box will be called "Preferred Streaming Service" and it will contain the list of all your subscribed streaming services. Then, before clicking to finish, you have the option to select one of those to be your top streaming service as an override just for that Program?

I'm not saying this would be easy, but I think I can make that happen.

That sounds pretty perfect to me. Hopefully we can keep the list short? Because for me that list is just 2 or 3 of the same defaults. That solution covers the bases well and lets users easily “lock” a title to a particular service for whatever reason they may have to do so… while leaving other titles free to be reassigned, based on priority and availability, just as SLM was beautifully designed.

I hope you’re able to incorporate that because it would be super useful to everyone using this great utility in the future, and will help alleviate any confusion about what’s it’s doing, too.