I have 2 Apple TV's set up remotely from my Channels DVR server. When I open Channels App on Apple TV, I am selecting "Connect" then "Away from Home" and getting the screen where it provides the code. I am able to authenticate the code and the browser says to continue on the TV. It takes a few seconds and then the Apple TV Channels App just closes, no error message. I looked in the server logs and could not find anything. The same thing is happening on both remote Apple TVs. Local Apple TVs on the same network as the server are working. I can also access my server remotely using a browser. I gave deleted the app and reinstalled and also have tried using my phone as a hotspot for the Apple TV to rule out it being a network issue. Also updated Apple TV to latest version and also tried Channels DVR Beta app. All yield same result, app crashes with no error message.
What version number is shown inside the app under settings > Support
It’s version 5.6.3, had to check in to App Store because I can’t even open Channels app to get to Settings.
Also just rested on iPad remotely using the app and it works fine. Only seems to be a problem with the Apple TV’s.
I installed old beta version 3.21.416 and that works.
How did you come to install that specific version? Did you try each release one at a time until you found one that didn't crash? Or did you just randomly pick a super old version and it worked out.
I picked one from a few months back from when I know it was last working at the remote location. Tonight I will go version by version backwards to find the version that breaks it.
5.29.2043 seems to have resolved the issue. I will keep using the beta version till the real version works again. I know for sure 5.27.1557, 5.27.728 and 5.26.2229 were not working but after I installed 5.29.2043 and then tried to go back to those versions, they worked, so I can’t reproduce the problem after installing 5.29.2043.
Thanks for the report. The latest TestFlight beta has a fix for this.
This happening again with the latest version. Has this been reported by anyone else?
@eric - as mentioned in last post, this is happening again for remote channels, after entering the code, the app exits. It Apple TV version 5.8.1 released Feb 10 2024
Having the same issue, trying to setup remote connection on AppleTV but as soon as it authenticates the app just crashes. Latest version of app just downloaded today.
@dkrach Can you try the Testflight beta to see if that resolves your issue?
You can join our TestFlight beta program by visiting Channels — Beta Program from an iPhone or iPad and then downloading the TestFlight app on your Apple TV.
If you do not have an iPhone or iPad please email your Apple ID email address to support@getchannels.com and we can add you.
I was at my in-laws house, trying to connect back to my server to watch the basketball game. I’ll try the test flight build when I’m back over there.
same issue. is there a solution besides installing a beta build? at a loss over here. only apple tv.,,,,
@gill: Could you take a video of what you do to cause the crash and upload it here?
We're currently trying to track down this crash and have not found a good way to reproduce the issue.
Im away from it at the moment. It just crashes though after I QR scan or enter the code. There is no error or anything that shows on the apple tv. ill i guess ill
record it next time and let ya know.