Remove "Trash all Items" from clients?

I've just realised that clinets can "Trash all Items".

Disabling "Allow Deletion" for clients doesn't stop them trashing TV shows.

Is there a way to disabling this? I don't want to add lots of TV shows to the server only to have someone trash stuff.

Which client are you seeing this and on which screen?

I'm seeing this on my phone.

Library > TV Shows > Click on a TV series...

Then click on the 3 dots (More) then I see trash all items.

Just looked on the nvidia shield and the option is missing.

My phone has the same server side settings as the other clients.

Just checked my wife's phone and it's missing on her device.

So why is it only available on my phone? Which is fine of course.

Iphone? Android?

I'm on Android. S22 Ultra

Few iPhones, shield TVs, fire TVs, all have the option missing.

It's just on my phone that this option is enabled.

Restarted the app on my phone to pick up the correct settings. But still can Trash Items.

Should be fixed in beta

Ah my server is on 2023.05.27.0641.

Will wait for the update.

Just updated to v2023.07.27.1646.

Still showing trash items.

He fixed it in the beta app for the client.

v2023.05.27.1646 is a DVR server prerelease version

Ok understood.
