Request: script that reports when TVE channels status change

This looks like a good candidate for the Olive Tin script project by bnhf (Community Developer).

Do the "X"s in your table mean TVE is, or is not, available? Consider using "Y" or "N". Maybe also "TBD" for cases when TVE is working directly from the channel's web site but not working through CDVR TVE sourcees.

bnhf has an Olive Tin script that reports when channel lineups for custom CDVR sources change, could we have a similar script that reports when TVE status (Y,N,TBD) changes?

Are you referring to creating the table that @IwantWMC made? If so, I'm afraid that this will not be possible.

The script would need data from different subscriptions and I don't think one Channels DVR user will continuously subscribe to multiple streaming services at once.
Unless it's possible that multiple CDVR users each provide their own TVE data in a central location and the script collects them to create the table. :thinking: :man_shrugging:

I wrote the script that @bnhf incorporated into OliveTin. :slightly_smiling_face:
I just wanted to mention that it also reports changes in TVE sources so it's not just for custom sources. :wink:

I was thinking about this after reading your message and I think this may be possible. That's a good idea. :+1:
I will play around when I have enough time and see if that is something within my technical capabilities. :grin:

Great response, thanks. I will be trying out your Channel Lineup Change Notifications script after the Email Log Alerts script starts working for me (@bnhf working this). I know that the scripts use two different email approaches, but I only want to work one task at a time.

I'm a noob but I am beginning to understand the evolving TVE landscape and some of the limitations that CDVR faces trying to take advantage of TVE. My local provider charges $5 per month for boxes and requires us to have at least one of their boxes. That provider box is used on our main TV and that way we can get the all of our provider's channels including the ones that lack TVE support. I have had success using CDVR and TVE to build and manipulate my local provider's TVE channels into an m3u that I feed to non-provider boxes running a non-CDVR android client. I map CDVR's TVE m3u channels into my provider's channel numbers so that channels are the same on all of our boxes. My suggestions to you are aimed at helping me track and manage TVE changes so that I can keep my non-provider box's m3u files up to date.

The script would need data from different subscriptions ...

I may be missing your point but, from reading the community TVE subgroup, I've (perhaps mistakenly) come to believe that support for TVE (Y, N, TBD as suggested in my original post) is universal across service providers. And if it makes things simpler, as you can see from my use case above, for now I am only talking about live-channel TVE for subscriptions from local providers, not TVE from nationwide providers like Hulu, Netflix, etc.

You don't mention who your provider is.
Each provider has their own contracts with networks that determine which TVE channels are covered.

To see the major TVE channels you might get, select your provider here.

For local network stations (ABC, CBS and FOX), see this.

Yes, I understand all of that. The Olive Tin tool I'm suggesting would be one that reports when the TVE status for any of my provider's channels (already defined as a Channels DVR source in the CDVR Sources UI) changes . Sort of like this:

  1. I have a TVE source for my local live TV provider set up and working in CDVR. CDVR already knows my provider, all of the channels I have subscribed to (I have already put in my credentials to build the CDVR TVE source), and the TVE status for every channel.

  2. An Olive Tin script runs in the background.

  3. The script periodically (user-defined frequency a la some already existing Olive Tin scripts) checks the TVE status of all of my provider's channels. Status can be Y, N, or TBD as described earlier. CDVR already can identify Y or N status, TBD might be an extension of CDVR's current capabilities, and hence a feature for a later version of the Olive Tin script.

  4. Like other Olive Tin scripts, the script reports to me via email any changes in status.

I didn't mention my own provider because under this suggestion CDVR already knows who my provider is, and already knows (to some degree) the TVE status for each channel.

Subtle point: TVE status can actually be viewed in two different ways: 1) Supported/unsupported; 2) up/down. I think TVE status as reported by the link you provided falls into the first category (long term status). I think the second category (short-term operational status) is often reported in the CDVR Community TVE subgroup, but its hard for me to imagine that CDVR would be able to easily support automated checking of such real-time TVE status.

I understand your request. :slightly_smiling_face:

That gave me an idea to try something at some point.
If I manage to get something working, I will report back here.

No ETA to provide.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: My TVE channel listing comparison of YTTV vs Hulu Live vs Fubo