Restore all from trash

I searched the forums and didn't see anything similar to this request. I'm surprised that nobody has requested this feature before. I must have missed it. If so, please let me know.

Earlier today, I clicked on the wrong button and ended up putting more than 2,000 episodes of Judge Judy in the trash. 100% my mistake, nothing wrong with Channels.

The trash has a restore feature. However, you can only do it one recording at a time. Am I missing a "restore all" button?

Based on this experience, I would like to have a "Restore All" button in the trash, besides having an "Empty Trash" button.

P.S. I was able to restore all from trash by sending requests via python calls.

Oof, we’ll look into this.


There is an endpoint (not a button) that "restores all" but haven't used it in a long time:

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I mean, isn't that where they SHOULD be? :slight_smile:

That's fine, I expected a comment like this. :laughing:


one man's trash is another man's treasure


As of the latest Channels DVR Server pre-release, there's now a restore button on the Trash page.


Thank you!