Running Channels DVR on everyday use desktop

Is there any risk in installing and using Channels DVR on my everyday use computer? This computer contains some files (business receipts, etc.) that I don't want to risk being hacked. Would it be necessary, better and safer to install Channels DVR on a separate computer that does contain personal information? Don't won't to go that route because of cost concerns, but if it is necessary I would.

Your everyday machine will be fine. Just remember it needs to be always on and setup to power up automatically after power loss.

There is no reason to not run Channels on the same machine as everything else, as long as you do not have and old slow CPU. I run Channels, my weather station, and everything else on a 4 year old Windows 10 machine with no problems.

A four-year-old computer in 2025 is a beast :joy:


I run Channels and all my Dockers on my everyday driver with all my work stuff. Not only is it not a problem, it's so much better than having several machines up and running at once! You can actually read about my adventures creating this very same setup that I'm still using from almost three years ago: