Samsung and Pluto dockers on Synology

There is only one way to get SamsungTVPlus as a docker image.
There are multiple ways to get PlutoTV, docker images, bare metal python, website urls.

Easiest way (the way I did it) is to install portainer on your NAS and then create stacks using these compose/env_var values.

I used Samsung-TVPlus-for-Channels and Pluto-for-Channels (jonmaddox)

This will create docker containers to be used as a source for Channels DVR Custom M3U Channels.

Plenty of help and examples all over the forum.

If you don't have portainer installed, I highly recommend it.

To install portainer on your Synology NAS

create directory for portainer data on your Synology NAS


pull and run portainer (change the TZ environment variable to your timezone)

docker run --detach --env 'TZ=America/Los_Angeles' --name=portainer --restart=always -p 8000:8000 -p 9000:9000 -p 9443:9443 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /volume1/docker/portainer:/data portainer/portainer-ce:latest

Navigate to the IP address of your Synology NAS and port 9000 (for HTTP) or port 9443 for HTTPS.
If you are using Synology’s firewall, make sure you create an allow rule for port 9000/9443 so
that you can access the management portal.
Create a username and password to access Portainer, then select create user.
Select Docker and then Connect.
Select Local to manage the local Docker instance (on your Synology NAS).

This is the way I installed Pluto on my Synology using Container Manager. It's been solid as a rock. I've never installed or tried Samsung but I have EPlusTV & ah4c (also installed using the container Manager) on my NAS. I installed Portainer using Marius Hosting Instructions (Google it) but haven’t switched to using it 'yet'. It's a tough decision to switch when everything is working as expected but that will eventually happen.

I originally installed all my docker containers using docker command line after accessing my NAS using SSH. I kept a copy of the docker commands used for each container in text files for each container. Portainer makes it stupid simple to manage.

Thats amazing!

I'm newbie with docker and use it for some experiments with home assistant.

But I don't understand correctly what portainer is doing :confused:
Can I install it with the website of the nas or is it necessary to do this with a terminal like putty!?

I still got Pluto (jonmaddox) and samsung (matthuisman) working on my nas! :wink:
Is there an autoupdate included in this docker images of both?


Portainer is just another docker container to install, but once installed it's a docker manager that works alongside the Docker Manager for your OS and is easier to use.

No, the containers don't update automatically. Portainer makes it easy to update them when there's a new version available though.

Installed Portainer, but.. not seeing an update button when i select the image. I guess i need to update the Samsung one, cause he said there are changes to it. (Guide url and format change)

Edit: Googling, seems to have found the process of Stop image, Re-create button, Re-pull image option, re-create.
EDIT2: Yup that did it.

I'm out of town, but just remoted in with Tailscale and updated it using Portainer.
Stack Editor for samsung and click the "Update the stack" button

Then select to "Re-pull image and redeploy" then Update
That pulls the latest image and recreates the container
Then I updated the XMLTV Guide Data url in the Custom M3U Channel settings

Watchtower is a great docker utility that will automatically update any or all of your docker containers.

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Just make sure if it updates your containers automatically it will cause no issues.
I custom modify some images (Pluto for Channels-maddox) and need some containers to start at a certain time.
That's why I use diun to just notify me if updates are available and then I use portainer to update them.
Getting notified of image updates with Diun - Hosting / Containers - Channels Community (
It will also notify me of updates to containers I want to watch, but don't have installed.
I'm sure you could do the same with Watchtower.

Will this update a Container while it is in use ? for Example recording TUBI TV and a new image is posted will it update it?

Yes, you can specify in Watchtower to not update specific containers.

And to watch certain images you don't have installed?

A post was split to a new topic: What is a docker container

That is exactly what it does. It goes through your containers and if one is already running it stops it, loads the updated container image, then starts the container.

So that is no good as any recordings happening using that container will be interrupted. I pass on this rather check on my own.

I agree, and recommend setting up Watchtower to run on demand using this approach:

version: '3.9'
    image: containrrr/watchtower:${TAG}
    container_name: watchtower
      - PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
      - 'com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true'
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock

And, the env vars:


Using this "run once" approach, Watchtower remains in an exited state until you specifically start it, and then any running containers will be updated. If there's a container you don't want updated, simply stop it before running Watchtower and it won't be touched.


time="2024-08-29T14:18:33Z" level=info msg="Watchtower 1.7.1"
time="2024-08-29T14:18:33Z" level=info msg="Using no notifications"
time="2024-08-29T14:18:33Z" level=info msg="Checking all containers (except explicitly disabled with label)"
time="2024-08-29T14:18:33Z" level=info msg="Running a one time update."
time="2024-08-29T14:18:52Z" level=info msg="Found new bnhf/olivetin:latest image (734fc0f45883)"

This is the way I use it. I'm in control of when it runs.

@Edwin_Perez @cyoungers

One other interesting thing to know about Watchtower is that this labels section can be added to any service in any stack, and set to false if there's a container you don't want to be updated by Watchtower (as long as that label is in place):

Thinking of splitting most of this this off to a generic new topic about updating docker containers.
Anyone have something to add before I do?