Samsung TV Plus for Channels [retired]

The guide data for Pluto TV and Samsung TV+ are gone again.

2023/02/10 02:42:33.502341 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-SamsungTVPlus in 0s
2023/02/10 02:42:33.576391 [DVR] Indexed 0 airings into XMLTV-SamsungTVPlus (242 channels over 0s) + 1960 skipped [0s index]

Seems to indicate the data in the xmltv file is out of date (for past only)

I just submitted a case on github for @matthuisman . I am using the docker method but my epg.xml matches the online version 100% so i think something must be going on...

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The docker just downloads the online version

Is anyone else having a guide problem besides me? I compared my cached copy to the one online and it is stale. Unless I am doing something wrong

I just checked and my guide is also empty.
I'm using the URL in the custom channel (not docker).

I have been having guide issues for the past two days. It's not just for Samsung TV. Pluto TV is also not working. Both worked for a short time yesterday. Then they stopped working again overnight.

Mine's toast. Win10 server, no Docker.

[edit] then 5 minutes later after I turned off the guide data refresh as a test it's working again.

I'm not using Samsung+, but have had no issues with Pluto (using the docker).
Just added Samsung+ to test and I get a few hours of guide data.

Pluto TV (non docker) just started working again. Samsung TV+ (non docker) is still not working.

Both Pluto TV and Samsung TV+ (non docker) are working for me.

2023/02/10 16:29:32.470618 [M3U] Refreshed lineup for Samsung with 242 channels
2023/02/10 16:30:02.165281 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-Samsung in 1s
2023/02/10 16:30:07.473992 [DVR] Indexed 1054 airings into XMLTV-Samsung (242 channels over 8h0m0s) + 998 skipped [5s index]
2023/02/10 16:30:07.522326 [IDX] Pruned 0 expired groups from XMLTV-Samsung in 842.47µs.
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Mine appears to download as well. It just doesn't populate the guide.

2023/02/10 20:01:16.928458 [DVR] Reindexed 0 airings into XMLTV-EPlusTV (0 channels over 0s) + 0 skipped [0s index]
2023/02/10 20:01:17.122179 [DVR] Fetched guide data for XMLTV-SamsungTV in 0s
2023/02/10 20:01:18.211813 [DVR] Indexed 0 airings into XMLTV-SamsungTV (242 channels over 0s) + 2055 skipped [0s index]
2023/02/10 20:01:56.102793 [DVR] Reindexed 11138 airings into XMLTV-PlutoTV (347 channels over 113h30m0s) + 1341 skipped [37s index]
2023/02/10 20:01:57.961090 [DVR]   pruned 5060 replaced airings in 1s.
2023/02/10 20:01:57.963187 [IDX] Pruned 0 expired groups from XMLTV-SamsungTV in 122.382µs.

Are you using this link for the XMLTV Guide Data?

Meaning no new guide data downloaded

vs mine that works
(242 channels over 8h0m0s)

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No. I just changed it to that and it is now working again. Strange. I didn't have gz on it before.

Should still work,
gz just means it is gzipped to take up less bandwidth downloading

Oh yea. I understand that. I just don't know why it decided to break now. I will switch the other one too. Thanks for you help.

Doesn't work for the playlist us.m3u8 if that's what you mean.
You can see the available ones here Index of /SamsungTVPlus/

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I mean for Pluto TV which also broke at the same time this did.

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