Samsung TV Plus for Channels [retired]

Thought I'd tried that but got a "This site can’t be reached127.0.0.1 refused to connect". I'll try again. My thanks

Update: Tried again. Same thing. It appears my firewall settings won't allow a connection. I'll need to decide if I want to change that.

1 Like is the address of the "local host", i.e. the machine you installed the Docker on. If you are on another machine, you need the IP Address or host name of the machine the Docker is on. This is mine (ignore that my port is different than 8182; I wanted it elsewhere):


Oh I see. That may have been the issue. I was on a computer different from the one Docker is installed on.
Makes sense. Never too old to learn.

My thanks

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Got this loaded, thank you as we actually enjoy the ChiveTV, see it at a local resteraunt and it almost becomes mezmorizing. However, is there a way to remap the channels. I have my locals from 8-43 and HuluTV for the "cable" channels that starts at 6000. However, the Samsung channels are starting at 1000 and there's 500 channels, my wife isn't going to want to scroll through 500+ channels to get to TBS or ESPN.



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You could set the Custom Channels source to ignore channel-number from M3U, then they would end up with 9000 numbers

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This thread may be of interest:

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Samsung TV plus for channels is not working with latest update

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I’m using the M3U and XML urls shared above, and Samsung TV+ content and guide data is working fine. What method are you using?

From what I’ve learned there isn’t any benefit gained by using the Docker container for this.

Just use the source URLs directly for less hassle:

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I’m using a docker container.


Is there another way I can add this to Channels?


Yes, just use the relevant URLs from here:

I'm using the us.m3u8 and us.xml ones and they're working fine.


it works! thank you!

Got the docker version installed but it won't load any channels. One thing I notice vs. docker stirr and pluto: copy the full local URL ending in playlist.m3u into a browser and I get a dark player-like window in Safari with a centered arrow pointed right and a line through it.

When I try to same with this Samsung docker source, I get this line of text...

Error: Extra data: line 1 column 4 (char 3)

I also just tried this one (to bypass the Docker option): Index of /SamsungTVPlus/ but getting 404s when doing the same with those source strings and 0 channels when using the US strings in Channels Settings. EDIT: now this is working and offering 198 channels but I'd love to get the Docker version going instead. That DryBar channel is terrific!

Made a few more efforts and seeing this when I update the Source and XMLTV entries in Channels Settings...


A search for that error message led to some matches... that SEEMED to imply switch http: to https: might fix it. So I did and it did not... instead giving me this error...


Anyone got this Docker version to work successfully (now) on Synology? If so, any suggestion to the above? I'm sure that I have the right (blurred in the pics) address. I can go to the address to see the 2 text lines offering me playlist and guide data xml.

Getting 0 channels with this:

How does this compare to your settings?


If you were asking me, that's how mine looks except what you have marked as "not docker" is my docker result: 0 channels. The direct option is working for me but I would rather have the docker version working just like Stirr and Pluto.

We've learned that the docker version of Samsung+ offers zero advantage over just using the direct URLs from The docker is merely passing along the same m3u and the same XML file, without massaging or inserting any additional metadata. It was created merely as a test to learn how to make docker containers. In fact, all the docker method for Samsung+ does, is add another variable where something might go wrong.

I'd advise just using the direct URLs. They work.


How exactly do I add?

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On the Channels web page in the Settings tab click "Add Source" then select "Custom Channels". The make the entries look like this.

Fantastic! Getting guide data only for only about 7 hours. Is this normal?


Yes. Par for the course with this particular source.

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