Samsung TV Plus for Channels

Better idea would be to use something like the Tubi for Channels approach.

400000011,TV One Crime & Justice,145680,

So it would be like this


That would be a simple local text file that can be shared and any user can update theirs.


Any idea how to resolve this error on most of the channels from this container? I started getting this about a week ago before I updated my container and I'm still getting it now that I have updated.

"message":"failed to generate manifest: Unable to obtain template playlist.

This is resulting in this error within Channels:

Failed: could not start stream on channels=[9486]: M3U: Could not fetch playlist: GET: 504 Gateway Time-out

Mine is working.

What's the date of the docker image you're using?

sha256:ea2b7bacd5e8d1f3fc395e2502c742... matthuisman/samsung-tvplus-for-channels:latest  141.9 MB  2024-08-31 01:48:53

Docker command line

# docker images
REPOSITORY                               TAG     IMAGE ID      CREATED     SIZE
matthuisman/samsung-tvplus-for-channels  latest  ea2b7bacd5e8  2 days ago  142MB

Any container errors immediately before or after what you posted?

"message":"failed to generate manifest: Unable to obtain template playlist.

And what does your source

settings look like

Now that I'm digging into it, this seems to be user error. The failing channel is CourtTV, which seems to have disappeared from the advertised channel lineup. If that isn't the case, I can still post the errors I'm getting.

how does "most of the channels" suddenly become a single channel?

My apologies. I forgot to mention that I initially had issues with all but two channels. After I updated the container, I forgot to change the links in the source, so everything I tried failed. Now that I've updated the source settings, it's down to just this one (which appears to have been removed from the lineup).

Again, I apologize for not mentioning all of this earlier.

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I was about to ask the same thing, but you beat me to it.

Now I know which channel, it's still in my lineup and guide, but I do get a 504 Gateway Time-out in the Channels log when trying to watch it.

does the website play it?

I don't see it in the channel lineup on the website (at least, not on the US site)

Anyone else getting a 404 error for the EPG in the logs?

This is cool - thanks for making it!

I notice the season and episode numbers aren't available for shows in the guide. Is this just a limitation of their service, or is there something clever that could be done to fill in that data?

samsung provide pretty limited data

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Read somewhere that Samsung TV Pluss added a few more channels. Which ones, not sure.

How often does this docker update for when Samsung adds/removes channels?

I try to keep track of the lineup changes and report them in this thread:

the docker image pulls currently 367 channels. Hasn't changed for me in a while.
There is a new MLP channel. See it in the app on my tv, channel 3653, but i do not see it on the Samsung Tv Plus website where u also can stream their channels.

The Pluto docker, and no cords urls, they add/remove channels every few days it seems.

pretty sure it scrapes every few hours and only those specific regions that have access to their android app.

If you dont see the channels, that will mean they are Widevine channels so ignored as they wont play in channels

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Not that many lineup changes in the last 4 months
2024-05-25 New source with 341 channels: "SamsungTVPlus"
2024-05-29 SamsungTVPlus: 346 channels (+5) (
           + 10342 : American Crimes
           + 10343 : NBC Sports
           + 10344 : Formula 1 Channel
           + 10345 : Blippi
           + 10346 : BBC Kids
2024-05-30 SamsungTVPlus: 345 channels (-1) (
           - 10344 : Formula 1 Channel
2024-06-12 SamsungTVPlus: 348 channels (+3) (
           ! 10034 : Movies on the Rotten Tomatoes Channel (was The Rotten Tomatoes Channel)
           - 10039 : The Preview Channel
           + 10347 : Animation+
           + 10348 : Barbie and Friends
           + 10349 : Miramax Channel
           + 10350 : National Lampoon
2024-06-26 SamsungTVPlus: 356 channels (+8) (
           + 10351 : Storm Vibes
           + 10352 : MLB Channel
           + 10353 : Island Vibes
           + 10354 : Waterfall Vibes
           + 10355 : Rainy Day Vibes
           + 10356 : Beach Bonfire Vibes
           + 10357 : Lakeside Bonfire Vibes
           + 10358 : Summer Vibes
2024-07-10 SamsungTVPlus: 358 channels (+2) (
           + 13357 : Unbeaten Sports Channel
           + 13358 : Hallmark en Español
2024-07-24 SamsungTVPlus: 360 channels (+2) (
           + 13359 : Universe: Mysteries Solved
           + 13360 : Campfire Vibes
2024-07-31 SamsungTVPlus: 356 channels (-4) (
           - 10031 : CINEVAULT
           - 10032 : CINEVAULT: Classics
           - 10043 : CINEVAULT: Westerns
           - 10144 : People Are Awesome
2024-08-07 SamsungTVPlus: 355 channels (-1) (
           - 10037 : Chicken Soup for the Soul
2024-08-21 SamsungTVPlus: 356 channels (+1) (
           + 13361 : Conan O'Brien TV
2024-08-27 SamsungTVPlus: 362 channels (+6) (
           + 13362 : Biography: The Icons
           + 13363 : FOX Sports
           + 13364 : Historia
           + 13365 : beIN Sports XTRA ñ
           + 13366 : Novelas Turcas
           + 13367 : ¿Qué Culpa Tiene Fatmagül?
2024-08-30 SamsungTVPlus: 361 channels (-1) (
           - 13361 : Conan O'Brien TV
2024-09-03 SamsungTVPlus: 361 channels (=) (
           ! 10046 : Western Bound (was Cowboy Way)
2024-09-10 SamsungTVPlus: 368 channels (+7) (
           + 13368 : Ancient Aliens
           + 13369 : The Jim Rome Show
           + 13370 : WWE Superstar Central
           + 13371 : Hot Wheels Action
           + 13372 : Curiosity Motores
           + 13373 : Curiosity Animales
           + 13374 : Curiosity Español
2024-09-11 SamsungTVPlus: 367 channels (-1) (
           - 13368 : Ancient Aliens
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See five posts in a row, starting with this one Samsung TV Plus for Channels - #11 by Jean0987654321

You could map gracenote guide data to the channels, if you know what it is.

I did that for just one channel and found the included samsung guide data was better than the gracenote guide data for some shows and gracenote was better than samsung for other shows on the same channel.

Matt does have a two playlist setup available for Frndly TV, where some channels have gracenote guide data and the others only have Frndly TV guide data. If that could be implemented in the Samsung docker, we could provide the gracenote guide mapping in a simple comma delimited (or error prone when editing, json) file.

I fully understand if he doesn't want to deal with the support issues if implemented.
As we all know, there are (cut&paste) users that (TL;DR) expect someone to (be their unpaid consultant) hold their hand and provide them with a step-by-step tutorial, preferably in a YouTube Video.


Hey thanks for this - it inspired me to do a bit of research, and it clicked once I learned what Gracenote data actually is :slight_smile:, and realized that that guide data is available via Channels (and thus the potential mapping solutions).

Just FYI, i checked via the native Samsung TV UI (the light blue one that also is where u access OTA channels) and that UI has the ability to add/remove channels into Favorite groups.

The TV reports 412 Samsung TV Plus channels.

This Docker has 367 channels. (Default region, US)

So, that leaves 45 channels that are not available/compatible.

(Assuming is USA region that my tv pulls, cause, that is where i am)