Sat>IP support

What version of TVH are you running?

I built the GitHub repo, as I wanted to strip somethings out. Although that was sometime ago now.

… I think it needed to be one of the later releases (I seem to recall a bug, but can’t find it now) on their site.

Ah. Just read the above. Missed it :slight_smile:
Try 4.3

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I'm just building a version now, I found your post on that, very helpful thank you. Will report back when I've installed and tested

Looks like there is a PPA for Ubuntu, not sure what you’re running.

I built a version from GitHub, all working nicely - thank you.

Last issue is Channels thinks every channel is HD (yes I know about collections, I'm referring to the channel details on the quick guide). Any solutions to that?

Personally, it doesn’t bother me/I don’t use those groups.

Looks like there is support, providing the groups are correct on TVH I guess:

TVHeadend doesn’t put groups into the m3u unfortunately, I remember searching and seeing one of the devs saying it’s not something they are going to support. I just manually added the SD group to all of the channels and then used the “Source” > “Text” feature in Channels. I use just UK Freeview and nothing has changed in over a year that’s required me to get a new m3u from TVHeadend.


Good tips thanks all.

Frustrating I’m getting a number of dropped frames although nothing to do with tvheadend as it’s started before I implemented that.


Has anyone manged to get the M3U file from a GSS.Box DSI400 or Digitbit R1 to work with Channels?
The M3U from my GSS.Box plays fine in vlc but not in Channels.

A sample of the M3U is below

#EXTINF:-1,BBC One HD,5400,5402,260
#EXTINF:-1,BBC Two HD,5500,5502,258
#EXTINF:-1,BBC Three HD,65535,65535,0
#EXTINF:-1,BBC Four,65535,65535,0

Yes, but only via tvheadend

Have you tried the Facebook group? I think there was a mention of an m3u Channels DVR SAT>IP FTA channel Lists | Facebook

I had time so had a play with this, it works fine using an m3u pointed directly at the ip of the digibit. Can't find an up to date UK m3u though and really CBA to make one.

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Ok, I made an m3u from the digibit. All good.

I think that because channel lists are hard to come by/painstaking to make and also are different depending on location and wants it’s going to stay quite niche! Which is a shame as the kit is excellent but can see these devices are very powerful made such a way.

I'm still having trouble with mine.
Channels are taking an age to load and no sound when I try to watch on my Nvidia shield.

What is the format of your m3u?

I use TVHeadend

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Has anyone any idea why I get no sound when playing my Sat IP channels on the Nvidia Shield.
Sound works on the browser.

Plus load time is really slow compared to watching on VLC.

I really want to get this working as my wife wants me to abandon Channels DVR because of the load times and no sound on the app

Having played a little with this the channel load times and relatability are very poor with direct connection. Having tvheadend in the middle solves this but since I’ve switched to a dedicated Pi4 for Channels DVR have no way to host this. Shame really as it has promise.

I find Tvheadend very confusing and was hoping to be able to connect sat >ip directly to channels.
Is Tvheadend very processor heavy?

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I don't have a a GSS or Digibit, but I've found the built-in SAT>IP channel lists to generally be rubbish and ended up creating my own M3U for the channels on 28.2. It's a real pain to keep it up to date but it works well. I noticed there are quite a few differences to how my URLs are formed compared with the sample you shared.

Here's my URL for BBC One NW HD as an example:
