Saving media recorded with commercial edits

Not sure if this is possible, but when i save my shows after reviewing the commercials edits, could it save to a separate file?

Channels DVR doesn't remove the commercials from the recorded file.
It just maintains time stamps of where the commercials are.
If you enable the EDL file export, you can use that file with other software to cut or playback the recording.

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MCEBuddy and VideoReDo are two Windows apps I hear about often in this context. And that EDL file that Channels exports, holds the key to make the edit easy.

If someone decides to use VideoRedo, you can have Channels DVR create a VideoRedo VPrj project file with all the scene and cut marks in it instead of trying to use an EDL file.

Just add the following line to your override comskip.ini file

or set it using the curl method

I used video redo many years ago. It would have been easier if the cuts could have been saved to a separate file. Maybe I'll try one of the solutions above. Thanks guys.