Search for sports teams

Im trying to figure out the guide. So a typical type of search request .I am trying to record all the games of my fav team. when I search the individual teams in this event ie. Parramatta or Brisbane, no results are found. The only way this event comes up is NRL. Is this something I can fix ?

Hey guys, any thoughts on this. I mustn't be the only one experiencing this

Pretty sure that is an event title for a sporting event.
You can use an advanced pass with
Title CONTAINS NRL (or use the seriesid if it has one)


EventTitle CONTAINS Parramatta
EventTitle CONTAINS Brisbane

depending on the team you want

Example for MLB teams here

If you're not familiar with Advanced Passes, more info here

Brisbane of course :wink:
Excellent thanks mate. I had seen the advanced pass but had missed the smart features. Does what I want.

Which xmltv source are you using?

Custom Sydney xml