See show duration in hours instead of minutes?

I watch some sports that can last four or more hours, so I constantly have to translate in my head to figure out where I'm at in an event (300 mins. vs. 5 hours etc.) Is there any way to have the timeline show in hours instead of minutes, and also have ticks within the timeline like TiVo does in 30 minute intervals? I have no idea where I'm at within a long event (on the timeline) because there's no ticks to tell me.

Same for how shows display in recordings screen, would really like to see that a show lasts an hour and a half, 2 hours etc. instead of just showing it in minutes. Or at least have the option to display it that way.

It could be a configuration option for the duration when hours to be used.

E.g. at 100 everything at above 100 minutes would be shown as 1h41m instead of 101m

100% agree with this. I believe it has been asked before. Maybe it's a feature request, but I am not sure. Perhaps you could do a feature request if it isn't and people could vote on it.

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As of the latest TestFlight beta, durations are now shown in hours and mins, when over an hour.