Series Pass by Channel & Time

You're not doing anything wrong. The code I posted was for GNU date, and macOS uses BSD date. Because of this, date on a Mac works completely differently. For your use, you would use:

date -j -f "%d %B %Y %l:%M%p %Z" "24 January 2021 5:00PM PST" "+%s"

The command breaks down like this:

  • -j – Do not try to change the system/computer date
  • -f "%d %B %Y %l:%M%p %Z" – This specifies the format of the date you are going to use
  • "24 January 2021 5:00PM PST"– This is the date itself to use as input
  • "+%s" – This is the format to use as the output

To get a full list of all of the format strings you can use for use with date -f, check out the manpage for strftime(3), or see them here.

Thank you so much @racameron. I figured it was something basic. Thanks for the syntax lesson. That really helps.