Server did not start after update on FreeNAS

Another followup for me - My system restarted successfully when it upgraded to 2017.01.30.2232 today. That makes 3 updates in a row with no problem. Thanks for addressing it so quickly!

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Hate raining on the ā€œwoohooā€ but I had shutdowns again the last two daysšŸ˜Ÿ.

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Thanks for reporting. Seems like it got better at least, which is a good sign. Hope we can fix it for good soon.

Yeah the first few were working, but over the last 3 days itā€™s been hit or miss for me too. In case it helpsā€¦

v2017.01.31.2207 didnā€™t restart
v2017.02.01.0203 did restart
v2017.02.01.2149 did restart
v2017.02.02.0208 didnā€™t restart
v2017.02.02.2018 didnā€™t restart

Maybe I can come up with a workaround in the meantime, to restart the DVR automatically when it crashes.

On an unrelated note, can anyone with an Intel CPU in their FreeNAS setup run ls -alh /dev/dri and paste the output here. I want to see if we can support hardware accelerated transcoding on FreeBSD.

ls -alh /dev/dri
ls: /dev/dri: No such file or directory

I donā€™t see a ā€œdriā€ (?) in the /dev/. This is an Intel FreeNas box.

10.3-stable (kernel: 10.3-stable)
4 cores / IntelĀ® Coreā„¢ i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz
load averages: 1.46 0.98 0.64
RAM16.67 GB
68.2% free

Trying to circle back to this upgrade issue on FreeNASā€¦ I assume itā€™s still happening?

Can someone run this command and post output:

sysctl -a | grep core

I finally managed to get my development VM for FreeNAS working again, and sure enough the first upgrade I tried this hit bug.

Also discovered that the coredump folder doesnā€™t exist by default inside the jail (after jexec customplugin_1):

$ sysctl kern.corefile
kern.corefile: /var/db/system/cores/%N.core

$ ls -alh /var/db/system/cores
ls: /var/db/system/cores: No such file or directory

$ mkdir -p /var/db/system/cores

After creating the dir, the crash now coredumps so I can analyze it:

$ dmesg | tail -1
pid 13406 (channels-dvr), uid 0: exited on signal 4 (core dumped)

$ ls -lh /var/db/system/cores
total 1100
-rw-------  1 root  wheel    14M Mar  7 18:12 channels-dvr.core

Iā€™m loading the coredump into a debugger now so hopefully I can squash this once and for all soon.

Thanks - I do still see it from time to time. Do you still need the output of that command after getting a coredump? I can try it when I get home tonight.

I am able to reproduce this issue locally (on both FreeNAS 9.10.2 and the latest FreeBSD 11.0) so I donā€™t need anyone to run any commands anymore.

The bug itself is particularly nasty, but hopefully it can be squashed soon.

I think I finally tracked this down and fixed it. The changes could use a little more testing before I push them out to everyone via automatic update. If you want to help test run the command in Volunteers to test new DVR build?

A post was split to a new topic: DVR not starting after upgrade (macOS)

Iā€™m considering moving my DVR install back to FreeNAS. Is this update/restart issue resolved now? Are there any other known issues on FreeNAS? My DVR install on macOS has been rock solid and want to make sure moving back to FreeNAS will not be a big hassle.

Also, itā€™s been a while since I installed the FreeNAS plugin. The early versions named the jail with the generic ā€œcustomplugin_1ā€ name. Is this still the case? If so, would you mind updating the plugin to name the jail something a little more Channels DVR specific? I tried renaming it manually but apparently it is a known issue that this is a bad idea to manually rename jails after they have been created.

The upgrade bug has been fixed.

Iā€™m not sure how to change the jail name, but I can look into it.

I couldnā€™t find a way to specify what the jail name should be. Appears to be chosen by FreeNAS when installing a plugin.

Ok, thanks for checking into it.

Can someone try running these commands on their Intel-based FreeNAS:

kldload dri
ls -ah /dev/dri

[root@lr-nas] /# kldstat
Id Refs Address            Size     Name
 1   86 0xffffffff80200000 1903000  kernel
 2    1 0xffffffff81de6000 ffd7c    ispfw.ko
 3    1 0xffffffff82011000 10677    geom_mirror.ko
 4    1 0xffffffff82022000 4681     geom_stripe.ko
 5    1 0xffffffff82027000 ffbe     geom_raid3.ko
 6    1 0xffffffff82037000 ec6a     geom_raid5.ko
 7    1 0xffffffff82046000 5752     geom_gate.ko
 8    1 0xffffffff8204c000 4a2c     geom_multipath.ko
 9    1 0xffffffff82051000 571a     fdescfs.ko
10    1 0xffffffff82057000 891      dtraceall.ko
11   10 0xffffffff82058000 3acf8    dtrace.ko
12    1 0xffffffff82093000 465f     dtmalloc.ko
13    1 0xffffffff82098000 224f     dtnfscl.ko
14    1 0xffffffff8209b000 63fd     fbt.ko
15    1 0xffffffff820a2000 5799a    fasttrap.ko
16    1 0xffffffff820fa000 49f0     lockstat.ko
17    1 0xffffffff820ff000 1620     sdt.ko
18    1 0xffffffff82101000 d8f1     systrace.ko
19    1 0xffffffff8210f000 d4b1     systrace_freebsd32.ko
20    1 0xffffffff8211d000 4dc6     profile.ko
21    1 0xffffffff82122000 7f72     ipmi.ko
22    1 0xffffffff8212a000 ec0      smbus.ko
23    1 0xffffffff8212b000 1a632    hwpmc.ko
24    1 0xffffffff82146000 c28a     t3_tom.ko
25    2 0xffffffff82153000 42c7     toecore.ko
26    1 0xffffffff82158000 12afb    t4_tom.ko
27    1 0xffffffff8216b000 2b4f     uhid.ko
28    2 0xffffffff8216e000 2b82     vboxnetflt.ko
29    2 0xffffffff82171000 4e416    vboxdrv.ko
30    1 0xffffffff821c0000 41d5     ng_ether.ko
31    1 0xffffffff821c5000 3fd4     vboxnetadp.ko
32    1 0xffffffff821c9000 1fbc     daemon_saver.ko
[root@lr-nas] /# kldload dri
kldload: can't load dri: No such file or directory
[root@lr-nas] /# ls -ah /dev/dri
ls: /dev/dri: No such file or directory
[root@lr-nas] /#

FreeNAS Info:
10.3-stable (kernel: 10.3-stable)
4 cores / IntelĀ® Coreā„¢ i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz
load averages: 0.05 0.16 0.19
16.67 GB
35.1% free