Setting Up a new Beelink mini PC with Linux

It looks like you installed channels to run on the usb. You don’t want to do that. Save a backup of channels dvr and move the recordings you want to save, unplug the usb and leave it unplugged. Reinstall channels dvr so that it’s on the systems ssd. Install it to the home directory per above instructions link.

Mount the usb drive (right click it mount if it’s not mounted) use the search and find disks. Reformat using disks to ext4 format.

Next you want to setup the system to auto mount that drive on start up. To do this:
Use the "Disks" app.

Load the Disks app (In System) and select the disk with the filesystem you want to mount on startup.

Then select the filesystem on that disk and click on the gears (for configuration).

Select "Edit Mount Options" from the popup menu.

On the setup options, click to check the "Mount on Startup" box. (This will add the entry to fstab when you click on "OK").

Reboot, and your filesystem should be available.

Setup your storage location in channels dvr to the usb and move your recordings back on to it

After unmounting the drive and disabled the server. I rebooted made sure the drive was mounted and attempted to enable the server and this is the air that I get Error: unable to create dvr directory: mkdir /media/joe/New Volume/Android: permission denied so how do I reformat this drive in Linux or will that even work?

Slow down!! Let’s get the usb drive mounted so we can copy and store a dvr backup to a folder on the beelinks drive.

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in my attempt to do this this is the error I get joe@MiniPC-Linux:~$ curl -f -s | sh
Downloading Channels DVR 2024.01.08.1431 (linux-x86_64) to /home/joe/channels-dvr....
ERROR: Installation of Channels DVR failed.
ERROR: Please contact [email protected] with the full output above.

I am willing to wipe it clean and start over

Before we start over just to make sure, can you use your phone browser to connect the dvr server using its ip with the usb unplugged? Earlier a screenshot you posted showed you running troubleshooting from your phone, can you get to settings like that now with the usb unplugged?

Yes I can.

I am willing to format the drive and loose all recordings as there is not much but I do want to keep my settings and sources and channel lineups as that was a ton of work to setup for me. And that information doesn't seem to appear with the drive removed

Ok so channels is running on the beelinks ssd and not the usb.
Mount the usb drive move your recordings from the usb to the video’s folder on the Beelink. Use above post to reformat the usb using the disks app that comes installed with Ubuntu

Should I copy the whole android folder or which specific folders such as data database images, imports, logs, streaming and TV. I don't need my recordings but I want to keep my settings or is it safest just to move the whole Android folder?

I think you’re good on keeping your settings already because I assume you restored from backup during the install. Just to be safe in one of the data folders there will be a backup file or probably 4 of them. Save the latest one and then format the drive

Done. Drive formatted but it no longer shows up on the side as it did before

Additionally if I try to connect to the server via the IP address, it just has a constant chasing circle

In disks you need to hit the + button and create a partition the whole size and format the partition to ext4

Done. And now shows up but I am still getting a chasing circle when attempting to connect to the server via IP

In the terminal what is the output of this command

systemctl status channels-dvr

oe@MiniPC-Linux:~$ systemctl status channels-dvr
● channels-dvr.service - Channels DVR
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/channels-dvr.service; enabled; vendor >
Active: active (running) since Tue 2024-01-09 13:40:17 CST; 18min ago
Main PID: 2025 (channels-dvr)
Tasks: 10 (limit: 18824)
Memory: 294.8M
CPU: 2.868s
CGroup: /system.slice/channels-dvr.service
└─2025 /home/joe/channels-dvr/latest/channels-dvr

Jan 09 13:40:17 MiniPC-Linux systemd[1]: Started Channels DVR.

/channels-dvr.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
2024-01-09 13:40:17 CST; 18min ago


Started Channels DVR.

reset: enabled)















lines 1-11/11 (END)...skipping...

lines 1-11/11 (END)

lines 1-11/11 (END)

Does the output of command

ip address    

Does it show about a quarter way down? Don’t copy a paste the output here.

From the beelink chrome browser can the dvr web ui be reached at
This ip won’t work with your phone. It must be from the beelink.

Yes, after Ip address was put into the terminal. It gave a breakdown of 1,2 and 3. appeared under 3. In going to it opens up channels but only the chasing circle as mentioned above. It does not go into the dashboard


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,yes that pulls up the log