Show Stats - No Tuner Info?

When viewing an OTA stream in Channels, I sometimes access the "show stats" feature through the pull-down Options menu. On my Android devices, the stats include a "Tuner" row with the OTA signal info; on my AppleTV 4K that "Tuner" row is missing from the stats. Is this known/expected behavior? Thanks.

Maybe one is running beta and the other isn't

I can validate I can see the Signal Line under show stats in android under the released and beta version. I can't with Apple 4k TV in the released version or the beta version.

I'm also not seeing it in the beta version of the AppleTV app.

That tuner info line is an important part of what is displayed with "show stats". It would be nice to have this on AppleTV platform, too.

Good catch. We haven't added those latest stats to the iOS/tvOS apps yet but it should be something that gets added soon.


The stats have been updated to match in the latest TestFlight beta.