Size of Channels DVR Server directories

Excluding the TV and Movies directories, the size of my install is ~14GB. My TV and Movie library is not very extensive, but I have had Channels DVR installed for over 5 years. What's the best way to prune unnecessary files?

Images directory is 1GB, Logs directory is 10GB, and Streaming directory is 3GB.


It's safe to delete files from the Logs directory. I would say keep 1 week worth of log files. Everything older can be deleted.

I know some people have this process automated with scripts. I'm sure they will chime in. :slightly_smiling_face:

OliveTin-for-Channels has an Action to delete DVR recording log files older than x days, with continous monitoring. It also includes dozens of other CDVR-related tools and automated extension installations:


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