Skip Intro/Credits

Like the title says. Skip intro and credits like Plex does. I don't know why but Plex stutters on my TV when I don't turn on content matching on my Apple TV. But with it turned on it takes like a few seconds to launch a new video so I keep it turned off. Watching YouTube is painful with it on. So I have been migrating to Channels for my movies and downloaded TV shows. One of the things we miss about Plex is being able to skip the intro to TV shows and skipping credits in movies (Marvel credit scenes). It would be nice to see movie info like the cast and stuff too but that's lower priority.


Yep, I know channels fast forward is really zippy but if you’re binge watching a show, sometimes you just want it to auto skip intro/credits or skip at the click of a button after hearing the intro/outro multiple times.

This is already a feature request. If you voted here, you should instead vote on this one:


Ah thank you. I did a search and didn't see it for some reason.

Mods, you can close this thread please.