Slow DVR Interface with Large Library

I have added my large library of 2500 movies and 1250 tv shows which have about 61000 episodes. The import took around 16 hours with “Pre-Optimize Videos” disabled.

Since adding the content to my server anytime I try to access any function in the DVR web interface that interacts with the imported content, it takes anywhere from 5 to 30 seconds to load the page. I see the navbar and a spinning arrow icon during that time period. I often have to refresh the page to get it to fully load.

Additionally when opening or resuming the channels app on my Apple TVs or iOS devices I see a screen saying “Preparing your TV” for around 15 to 30 seconds. Once loaded the app seems to function fine.

I can’t be sure but it seemed that the slow down occurred sometime around the time that 30-40 thousand items had been imported.

My server is running on a M2 Mac Mini that is accessing the media on a NAS with 10gig network. The Apple TV is wired and the iOS devices are wireless.

I have submitted DVR diagnostic logs: b7b2afff-7784-406e-87cb-48013862f382

Is there anything I can do to help with load times in the DVR interface. The slow initial loading on the apps is not as big a deal for me.

I only use the server and media locally.

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Developers are aware that large libraries can slow things up for CDVR and are working on improvements. I don't think there are a ton of users with libraries as massive as yours (kudos to you) so the diagnostics you submitted could be of help.

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