SOLVED - RedZone still not working here on Vidgo

When I authenticated today on earlier prerelease I was able to authenticate, but now when I authenticate I get invalid response on 9.12.1729


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This morning (I’m in AZ) I went into Channels DVR Setup on my server (QNAP) to add the ‘RedZone’ (after it came on) to my favorites list. Before doing that, I checked for a new version release and saw that 2021.09.12.0123 was out there so installed it.

After that, I delete the Vidgo from my source, tried just a rescan of Vidgo but it didn't pick up the RedZone, then I added the Vidgo source again and it picked up the RedZone. Now the RedZone shows up in the Vidgo source list, has been marked as a favorite, but when I go to play it in channels. I get ‘Playback Failed’ message. I’m able to watch it via the Vidgo app and if I log into the NFL go site using my Vidgo ID & password. Am I missing something?

Also, while going through my available channel list to make sure the RedZone was there, I notice the BTN is now gone. It was working yesterday (watched Big Ten football). Did the latest DVR version release screw up the BTN again too?

This is disappointing. I was looking forward to RedZone along with the CBS and Fox games in a multiview setup. I brought this issue up a week or two ago and I was told to wait until the station was broadcasting. Seems like there has been an issue all along.

It cannot be tested until they have a live stream up on their website.

It's a 24/7 channel. Instead of live broadcasts, the station constantly does reruns. Anyway, I know you guys work hard and it's appreciated. Im just disappointed it's not working today.

Not on their website where Channels get the feed from, just maybe on some app you're using.

Got it. YouTube TV has the stream 24/7. I know its likely different than TVE feeds.

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I was pretty busy today so I only got to try to get RZ channel while I was on the go, but it did appear to load just fine, so I'm feeling pretty positive that it's been fixed. Thanks!

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