Stream Links

Hello all.

Still new to this & trying to get a better understanding of how to use the Stream Links feature.

I'm using Notepad on Windows 10. I have the url placed in a .txt file. However I'm unable to save the file with the .strmlnk file extension. My only options are to save as .txt or All Fomats - neither of which work. Also the naming convention (using the forward slashes) wont save.

Just so I understand, once saved - the file is to be placed in the Imports folder on the external drive where my DVR'd files are saved.

I'm sure I'm missing something (that's probably obvious).

Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks all

Maybe you can save as .txt and then rename it in Windows Explorer?

Ok. I'll give that a try & see what happens. I appreciate the quick response. My thanks

No go. Won't allow "/" characters

Where are you putting / characters? Those don't go in the filename, they represent folders.

If you choose "All files" as the type you can save with any extension you like. If you choose "Text files" it will force the .txt extension.

A couple of things:

(1) Make sure in your View settings in Windows Explorer that "File name extensions" is checked off. Without this, you might be naming the file "[Filename].strmlnk.txt".

(2) Download a different editor than Notepad. I recommend either Textpad or Notepad++. Either is much more versatile (probably in more ways than you need) and will allow you to name and edit files in any way you want.

(3) If you are feeling really adventurous, you can actually make "Stream Link" a "New" file type so you can create the files directly instead of first creating them as text files.


Not going to lie, this is strangely very technical and crazy to pull off, and I had to do it through disparate methods on different computers.

That makes way more sense. Forgot basic knowledge & feel a bit stupid. Not sure what I was thinking.
Thank you all

Hello (again)

Got Stream Link working for every service - except Amazon Prime. Followed the same process for Prime as I did the other services. The selections show up in my Library just fine.

But (unlike Netflix, Hulu, etc) when I hit the "Watch" button - nothing happens.