Strmlnk - Peacock

Does Strmlnk work with the Peacock free account?

No peacock does not support strmlnk

To clarify, Stream Links depend upon the app having code in it to support deep linking (sees a link, opens in app, goes to correct location). Peacock is not built right.

There are some other oddities out there, too. Hoopla on Google/Android TV opens the phone version of the app instead of the TV version (in portrait mode, no less). So it really is in the hands of the app makers themselves to get it right. I've tried pinging the app makers when I've run into it but.... :man_shrugging:t3:

Has anything changed with Peacock or can we still not open it with a stream link on Android?

No. The peacock app is different

Is there a different / better way I should be passing the stream link file to Google TV so it will launch Peacock?

Last time I looked the Peacock app for Android TV app blocked links. I haven't tried in a couple years.

I'm no expert by any means, but I pulled this from my Google TV Streamer, if it is helpful at all:

kirkwood:/ $ pm get-app-links com.peacocktv.peacockandroid

    ID: 169ce7b9-b8e9-40a3-94c0-366cca370ed5
    Signatures: [E5:EF:D5:6F:A3:24:6E:48:05:46:EC:AC:4D:79:28:05:14:22:A2:6C:56:76:19:0E:45:97:91:FA:FA:8C:80:93]
    Domain verification state: verified

kirkwood:/ $ pm get-app-links --user cur com.peacocktv.peacockandroid

    ID: 169ce7b9-b8e9-40a3-94c0-366cca370ed5
    Signatures: [E5:EF:D5:6F:A3:24:6E:48:05:46:EC:AC:4D:79:28:05:14:22:A2:6C:56:76:19:0E:45:97:91:FA:FA:8C:80:93]
    Domain verification state: verified
    User 0:
      Verification link handling allowed: true
      Selection state:

kirkwood:/ $ am start -W -a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "https://www.peacock
-a android.intent.action.VIEW -d "https://www.peacock                         <"

Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW dat= }
Status: ok
LaunchState: UNKNOWN (0)
WaitTime: 53
kirkwood:/ $