Suppress Irrelevant Log Lines - Invalid DTS:

In another thread it was stated these are "harmless". Well they make it impossible to debug real issues when there are thousands upon thousands written. Can we get these suppressed please.

2024/02/28 19:03:14.554227 [HLS] ffmpeg: file13665-08f7ba0f3fe2: [hls @ 0x19dbdc0] Invalid DTS: 172778715 PTS: 172775715 in output stream 0:0, replacing by guess

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Just because they are harmless does not mean that they are useless.

If you wish to check your logs for something specific while ignoring useless lines, the log file itself exists in your data directory, and combinations of tail and grep can handily tailor your searches.

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Thanks for the reminder. I will remove them.

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I love you

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