Switching from HD Homerun to SAT>IP (UK)

I have Channels DVR running on my Synology NAS with a HD Homerun and it's running great. However the issue in the UK is that there are only a few HD channels transmitted via terrestrial means :frowning:

I'm considering losing the HD Homerun and switching to a SAT>IP unit (since there are far more HD channels via satellite).

So my question is, how painful is the setup for SAT>IP including EPG etc. Also what is the recommended tuner hardware.

FYI I have a SkyQ LNB but if I remember correctly it is a hybrid version.

Well...it could be painful but with the right receiver, not so much

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I just use HD Homerun and set up custom channels that open up the ITVX, All4 app etc to view the HD stream. Thought about freesat but decided it wasn’t worth the faff.


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