Synology DSM 7 - unable to delete ChannelsDVR share

I was able to successfully install the spk. But it ended up creating a share in root, called ChannelsDVR. I manage my share infrastructure very tightly, so I moved everything to a different volume in settings, and everything seems to work perfectly.

But I can’t seem to delete the ChannelsDVR share. Every time I try it here’s the error I get.

I don’t see anything in settings that is pointing to the old location.

Can anyone help?

You can just leave the shared folder there.
If you really want to do away with it, read the following topic starting with this post

So you tightly manage your shares, but you allow a third party to manage it for you? Either you control your network, or you allow a third party (Synology) to do so ... there really isn't a middle ground.

Thanks - it just seems like a lot of work :confused: might be easier to go with Docker instead. Thank you again!

Not quite sure what you mean. Sure Synology manages the OS. But I manage the shares, ingress rules, who/what has access - to what extent, what shows up on a Samba mount per user, etc.

Not any different from people hosting their home servers on TrueNAS, or heck even Windows.

Unless of course I misunderstood your comment, In which case I apologize.

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