Syntax Error on Advanced tab of Create New Pass dialog?

I'm trying to create a new series pass that will record NBC nightly news only at 3:30 PM and not the multiple other airings per day. I suspect a syntax error on my part.

I configure the dialog as shown, or with other strings like 'Daily 3:30' or '3:30 PM' or 'Monday 3:30' or 'Monday 3:30 PM'.

All values change the match count from 27 to 0.

running version 2022.10.14.2129

Try 3:30PM, without the space.

(When specifying times, you can do:

  • 3:30PM
  • 3:30pm
  • 15:30h

Also, specifiers like daily, weekly, etc. are not supported. To specify multiple days, you can use multiple time rules; if the day component is missing, it will match all days of the week.)

Thanks, that did it. This software is so good I was pretty sure I was doing something wrong.

There are improvements in the latest build. Now you can type "3 PM" and it will also work.

Additionally, the Matches count/list will update as you're typing in the time, so you don't have to hit Add then X and start over when you make syntax mistakes.