T-Mobile TVE "No Login Form Found"

Awesome news. Thanks Channels Team.

It looks like there are a few channels still not working correctly, Hallmark Drama, Food, ID, and DIY. Everything else either worked, or worked on a manual rescan of the channel.

Does it work on https://www.hallmarkchanneleverywhere.com/hdlive.html

It does. Would you like me to grab a HAR file? interesting enough, the Channels re-scan for HALLMARK DRAMA returns: notAuthorized: This network is not available as a part of your current TVision subscription.

Food, ID and DIY return Cable provider authentication failed

Correction, doing a 3rd rescan, Food, ID and DIY work.

Hallmark Drama really doesn't matter to me :slight_smile:

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I never expect the developers to answer. I just post to see if any users can help first. If a developer jumps in and helps out great. If not oh well.

Sounds like they are working hard on this. I expect hiccups since tmobile just rolled this out.

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For those of you who are able to get some things to work: How? I'm entering my credentials and after a timeout it's presenting me back a failure message with the image of T-Mo's login screen with my phone number filled in. It looks to me like it's not advancing to the second screen to enter the password. How are you getting past this at all?

BTW neglected to mention that I just tried again this morning with the very latest unstable version I could find, 2021.01.29.0224

Shouldn’t make a difference, but try logging in with your email instead of your phone number. Also, test a website like http://watch.hgtv.com/ to make sure that your password is correct and that your login works there.

Thanks. Confirmed my login works on hgtv as suggested. I think it's the separate pages for username/ password in T-Mo's flow that are messing with DVR's ability to log in.

I will say make sure you phone number is formatted properly. (###) ###-#### not sure if it matters but it didn't work til I did it that way

WOW, thanks for that. Put the parentheses around the area code and now it's happy. Crazy.


Did all the channels load?

All channels work for me. Thanks support for fixing this. I am logging in with my phone number.

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I'm only on the Vibe plan. The only ones I'm seeing access to are Comedy Central, MTV, VH1, CMT, BET, TVLand, Paramount, and Nick Jr.

Should I be seeing others?

For Vibe, you should also be receiving Sundance, AMC, BBC, IFC, WE, Hallmark, and OWN

TVision Vibe gives a pretty odd set, that don't match up to expectations, and match what @Michael_Mitchell reports. Several, including a few that I really want - BBCA, Sundance and AMC - are reporting "notAuthorized", and I have confirmed that I do have access through TVEverywhere apps.

Try updating to a prerelease and then rescan the channels individually. See if that corrects it. I had to do that for a few initially.

I was already on a prerelease from yesterday, but somehow the update to today's fixed it. Thanks!