Test Flight says Channels ATV Beta unavailable

I got the email inviting me to the beta and went to the link. On the ATV it shows the beta app in my list but says ‘unavailable’ and it’s greyed out.

When I open it up it says “There are no tvOS builds available. We’ll notify you when a new build is available to test.”

Just went to grab the beta and received the Beta unavailable message. My invitation code was excepted just no beta available. Maybe they are uploading a new version?

Getting the same error message here too

We pulled it. More info coming tonight :ok_hand:

Thanks for the info!

Thanks for the update. I’ll stop checking for it until I see something here first.

Hey everyone!

We pulled the beta because it removed SD DVR support and we hadn’t fully communicated that to everyone yet. You can read more about it here.


If you are enrolled in the ATV 4 Beta... 8.8.2000 is out.
