TestFlight (ATV) no longer shows Channels Beta

I just went into test flight on my weekly check, and saw that Channels DVR (original Beta) is no longer showing. Hopefully that means something is coming quickly. How long will the existing Channels DVR function now that it is no longer in TestFlight?

Yesterday, I think it showed 17 days left.

This is worrisome, as the old DVR Beta on ATV will run out in ~16 days and it now appears that there will be no way to further extend?

Aman or Jon, can you please let us know what is the plan since the new DVR Beta may not be available prior to expiry day?

A new beta went out on test flight last night. It’s 1.5.3 I think, but it’s NOT A DVR BETA. So don’t download it if you’re running the older discontinued one.
I’m guessing they can only have one ATV beta up at a time so had to remove it to make way for this other one
I think it’s an update to allow control of ATV version using iOS, so you can change channels and stuff on the ATV using the iOS app. There’s a few other tweaks to it too.
They’ve promised not to leave us without a DVR, so I have full trust in them. Either we’ll see a DVR beta pop up soon or they’ll just remove the expiry date of the old beta so we can keep it for however long we we need it. Don’t worry guys, these two chaps keep their word. You’ll be recording stuff for a long time yet.

Beta notes say that a DVR beta will be available in the fall and not to install the new one if you still rely on the old.

The concern is what happens to the existing app once the remaining 16 days run out, will we hopefully have something prior to that, with DVR capability.

Same concern here. I hope they will extend the old DVR support or start the new DVR Beta to replace it.

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I mistakenly subscribed to the new ATV beta without reading the 3rd to last paragraph about it replacing the DVR beta. Oops. I have been searching since then to find a way to not only play previously recoded material but also how to schedule new recordings. Here is my kludgy solution. I use Kodi (on my Mac) to schedule, modify and delete recordings on my NAS ( WD MyCloud 4TB) and downloaded Infuse Pro ($9.99) on ATV4 as a viewer for recorded programs via SMB. Works much better than VLC since you can jump forward and back using the ATV4 Siri remote. Hoping the DVR beta is in early (not late) fall.

Hey everyone!

We just posted an update about this on its own post. You can read more about it here.


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