The "Logs" folder is using 60% of my recording drive. Safe to remove the content?

Yes. I would find this useful.

+1 (since I started this thread :wink:)

I'm doing some preliminary work to set this up with OliveTin, and I'd like to confirm with someone what to delete.

On my Channels DVR server, I have a folder called dvr/Logs/recording, and I'm assuming I want to delete all of the numbered directories underneath "recording" that are older than x days. It looks like each numbered folder only contains one file.

So in Bash, I'm thinking of a command like this:

find /mnt/dvr/Logs/recording -type d -mtime +7 -exec rm -r {} \;

Which should find all directories under "recording", and if they're more than 7 days old delete them and everything underneath them (recursively).

Just a question to the OP:

Which files in particular in the Logs directory are taking up all of the space? In each subdirectory under the comskip directory is a video.mpg file which may show as taking space (but actually isn't), but is only just a link/reference to the actual recording.

The idea that a bunch of text files are consuming 60% of your drive is ludicrous, so I thought perhaps this situation might just be a misunderstanding. (That's not to say it isn't possible, just merely improbable. If your text files are indeed consuming that much disk space, then I'll just retreat.)

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i do not have those in windows ...

It's the debug recording log files in Logs/recording
They can get quite large logging TVE and M3U recordings.

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Exactly. My only sources in Channels are TVE and M3U.

In the early days, after first signing up with Channels, I was recording a lot of TV shows and movies in order to start building a personal video library. What I mean by "a lot" is pretty much recording 24/7 for a few months.
It didn't take long before I filled a 5 TB drive, and another one. Eventually, I bought a 22 TB drive, which should keep me going for quite a while. These days, though, my DVR is not as busy as it was in the beginning so it's more manageable.

That explains how I got in this situation.

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See Storage of recording logs for TVE recordings - #5 by eric

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