Yes. I would find this useful.
+1 (since I started this thread )
I'm doing some preliminary work to set this up with OliveTin, and I'd like to confirm with someone what to delete.
On my Channels DVR server, I have a folder called dvr/Logs/recording, and I'm assuming I want to delete all of the numbered directories underneath "recording" that are older than x days. It looks like each numbered folder only contains one file.
So in Bash, I'm thinking of a command like this:
find /mnt/dvr/Logs/recording -type d -mtime +7 -exec rm -r {} \;
Which should find all directories under "recording", and if they're more than 7 days old delete them and everything underneath them (recursively).
Just a question to the OP:
Which files in particular in the Logs
directory are taking up all of the space? In each subdirectory under the comskip
directory is a video.mpg
file which may show as taking space (but actually isn't), but is only just a link/reference to the actual recording.
The idea that a bunch of text files are consuming 60% of your drive is ludicrous, so I thought perhaps this situation might just be a misunderstanding. (That's not to say it isn't possible, just merely improbable. If your text files are indeed consuming that much disk space, then I'll just retreat.)
It's the debug recording log files in Logs/recording
They can get quite large logging TVE and M3U recordings.
Exactly. My only sources in Channels are TVE and M3U.
In the early days, after first signing up with Channels, I was recording a lot of TV shows and movies in order to start building a personal video library. What I mean by "a lot" is pretty much recording 24/7 for a few months.
It didn't take long before I filled a 5 TB drive, and another one. Eventually, I bought a 22 TB drive, which should keep me going for quite a while. These days, though, my DVR is not as busy as it was in the beginning so it's more manageable.
That explains how I got in this situation.
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