The Menu/Back button does not work correctly in Settings

When in Settings, if I press the Menu '<' back remote button while in settings, I am not able to get back into the Settings pane until I select another feature like "Guide" which then allows me to navigate back into "Settings".

The normal behavior for the back remote button in "Library", "Guide", "On Now", "Search" etc. is to pop up the left hand menu on the currently active screen focused in on "Library" if you were viewing your "Library" before hitting the back button. To get back to "Library" I just click the highlighted "Library".

When I back out of Settings, clicking the higlighted "Settings" item fails to let me go back into Settings, plus I am unable to move to the right to get back into Settings....

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:+1: This is something that's relatively new that's popped up. It's on our radar.

This has been resolved in the latest TestFlight beta: